For many individuals there comes a time when they realize that after years of experience in business, both good and bad (difficult) they have learned many lessons that they can now share with business owners to help them avoid pitfalls and more quickly achieve success, but how?
Get The Value Builder TM Certification?
Instead of becoming a generic business coach drawing on this or that to help clients use your skills and experiences to complement a proven system. As a Profit and Growth Expert, you work as a certified Value Builder (VB) provider. Working with business owners you will use specific processes and procedures to increase the profits and the value of the business.

The VB designation will allow you to do the following:
✓ Demonstrate you have proven skills in business consulting and coaching
✓ Advance your career and potentially increase your wages/earnings helping you get paid what you are worth
✓ Place “VB” after your name, distinguishing you from other business coaches and consultants
✓ Raise your value to your company or clients
✓ Practical real-life hands-on emphasis with training in multiple industries using video instruction that you can do at your own pace (very flexible)
✓ Professional Support (academic and practical)
Now is the time to be trained in this growing profession that affords you the opportunity to give back to the business community confidently as a certified value builder. You will become competent in the 8 Drivers that ensure the most value in business.
Want to Earn Your Certified Value Builder™ Designation Apply Today!
Complete the form on this page to request more information and see how you can use your experience to help others grow their business’s profits.