Everything to achieve success!
We are driven to equip you with the skills you need.
Achieve success with our top-tier accounting training. -The Turnkey Process to start and build a successful accounting business.
Get certified as a pro bookkeeper and QuickBooks specialist. -Get the clients you deserve and offer quality accounting services with confidence
Get certified as a QuickBooks specialist.
Become a certified tax preparer and profit expert. -Build your business and offer quality services as a Professional Tax Preparer
Train to become a CFO. -Engage & retain your accounting clients as their CFO & Advisor and get paid what you are worth. +Retain & advise your accounting clients as their Profit & Growth Expert
Boost your business growth with our Business Accelerator programs. -The turnkey tools and resources to build the premier accounting firm in your area.
• Enroll in our specialized programs to become the top accounting firm
• Gain the skills to offer quality bookkeeping, accounting and tax services with confidence
• Earn valuable certifications and become a professional through our certified online classes• Certify your skills as a professional bookkeeper, accountant, tax preparer and business advisor
• Enroll in our job placement assistance program to secure better career opportunities • Get the skills to get paid what you are worth as an accounting professional
• Launch your own accounting firm with our Turnkey Business Plan Program • Gain the skills to confidently offer accounting, bookkeeping, and tax services, while following a proven roadmap to success
• Expand your accounting firm with The Universal Solution for sustainable growth • Use our turnkey strategies to grow your client base and boost profitability through a clear business development plan
Ready to get started?
Be in business for yourself but not by yourself
As challenges may arise when working ON the business there is no reason to face them alone when working with Universal Accounting Center. After committing to build your business offering quality accounting services you may find that life has a frustrating habit of getting in the way of success. You may of heard of:
Don’t leave your success to chance. Follow the proven Turnkey Business Plan for accounting professionals and receive the support you need and deserve with the Accountability & Advanced Business Coaching.
Monthly benefits include:
Your Enrollment Also Includes
Assigned Coaches and Mentors
An Orientation Counselor to help you get set up and through the training
An Academic Coach (tutor) to learn the material and help with related real world questions
A Marketing Coach to help you apply our proven turnkey business plan to find and engage with your ideal clients as you start and build your business. Upon completion of the program you’ll have the opportunity to speak with your assigned business coach and have a Marketing Implementation Session. This will be a one-on-one discussion to develop your business plan and a clear marketing strategy to get you the clients you need.
This course prepares you for possible employment in the following occupations:
Marketing Engagement (4+ months) This will include:
Accounting Engagement (4+ months) This will include:
Production Engagement (4+ months) This will include:
Module 1 of the Professional Bookkeeper™ program, Accounting Made Easy, teaches you the fundamentals of Bookkeeping in a practical, hands-on methodology. You will learn by doing, the best way for the skills that you gain to stick. If you have ever read a book on a subject and found that you couldn’t retain the knowledge when you needed it later, you already know the value of learning by doing, involving more of your brain in the learning process. As you complete the practice sets in the Professional Bookkeeping course, you become familiar with the processes involved in day-to-day PB Accounting and Bookkeeping tasks. They become second nature to you, enabling you to focus on higher level things.
Module 2 teaches you how to apply those principles to specific industries. You will learn to set up books from scratch, setting up all of the ledgers and journals needed to do full service Bookkeeping Accounting for your paying clients. Your clients will learn that you are the only financial analyst that they will ever need because you can do it all!
The purpose of the 3rd module is to help you set up a complete bookkeeping system, and manage clients from a variety of more sophisticated industries for your new accounting and bookkeeping business.
This 4th module is designed to assist you in successfully creating your own professional in-home, or office-based bookkeeping and accounting service. It gives you the turnkey process to start and build a successful accounting business so you can be in business for yourself but not by yourself.
Learn the most common industries along with their specific nuances associated with them in accounting with the following exercises:
This is a 4+ month engagement working with a business coach to help you work ON you and your business. This is specifically designed to help you have the premier accounting business offering quality accounting services with confidence to get paid what you are worth. Within this program you’ll experience both individual and group coaching.
As challenges may arise when working ON the business there is no reason to face them alone when working with Universal Accounting Center. After committing to build your business offering quality accounting services you may find that life has a frustrating habit of getting in the way of success. You may of heard of:
Don’t leave your success to chance. Follow the proven Turnkey Business Plan for accounting professionals and receive the support you need and deserve with the Accountability & Advanced Business Coaching.