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Get Certified with Online Classes and Advance Your Accounting Career

Advance Your Career with the Flexibility and Convenience of Home & Independent Study

Boost Business Knowledge in Four Weeks with Our Certification Programsfour weeks with our certified programs

Becoming an Accountrepreneur

Start Your Journey

See what you can do today to excel in your accounting career and get paid what you are worth, start here:

Becoming an Accountrepreneur | Universal Accounting School
The Universal Accounting Journey

Start Your Journey

See what you can do today to excel in your accounting career and get paid what you are worth, start here:

CFO & Advisory (PGE/BB/UBB/CFO)

Offer CFO & Advisory services with confidence following a proven process. Learn how to effectively price, market, sell business coaching services as a Profit & Growth Expert using BizBench to help your clients work ON their business. As a trusted strategic advisor you will provide year long engagements implementing the Universal Business Builder systems as part of the CFO Project.

Business Accelerators​

Get the tools and resources to efficiently run your business using proven operating procedures (SOP’s) so that you can find the time to also do what you enjoy while being more profitable. Implement best practices following the Virtual Bookkeeper’s Roadmap while working with assigned coaches . Also join us at GrowCon , a yearly event for individuals building the premier accounting firm in their area.

Tax Planning & Preparation (PTP/AFSP/EA)

As a Professional Tax Preparer (PTP) you are certified to offer quality tax planning and preparation services. Stay up to date with the latest Annual Filing Season program (AFSP) and consider also becoming an Enrolled Agent (EA) to fully support your clients and perhaps provide tax resolution services.

Bookkeeping & Accounting (CA/PB/QS)

Offer quality bookkeeping and accounting services with confidence and competence as certified Professional Bookkeeper (PB) and QuickBooks Specialist (QS) while effectively communicating with your clients using the concepts from Color Accounting.

Accounting Success is Universal

Here at Universal we are committed to your success. I invite you to meet the team of individuals who are excited to be a part of your journey. This includes your Orientation Counselor, Academic Coach, and possibly a Business Coach and Life Coach.

Offering quality accounting services with a business of your own

To start an accounting business requires a lot of work and attention to detail, like any small business does, but per Thomson Reuters, accounting firms are one of the most profitable small businesses a person can start right now in the United States.

Skilled professionals are in high demand, as evidenced by Accounting Today listing finding and recruiting talent as the No. 1 issue facing firms right now. If you start an accounting business, you will more than likely have more business owners requesting your services than you will have time.

Small businesses will always need to file taxes, manage cash flow and keep track of profits, and they rely on skilled professionals to do so. This creates a massive opportunity for those with certified accounting, bookkeeping, tax planning and CFO and advisory abilities.

Taking advantage of proven systems

You don’t have to reinvent the wheel to increase your income by starting a bookkeeping business or starting an accounting business with Universal Accounting Center. Universal Accounting Center’s turnkey system for starting and building a business will teach you the skills you need to offer quality services confidently and competently.

Imagine yourself meeting with a client, bursting with confidence after completing online bookkeeping training and online tax training courses. You can set your own hours, manage your workload to your desire, and work from anywhere. It's a life changing opportunity for anyone with the right skills.

You could be doing this in just four to six weeks using Universal Accounting’s proven process for starting a bookkeeping business and/or starting a tax business. Hundreds of professionals have started accounting businesses offering myriad services through Universal Accounting Center. In fact, the professionals who start the most profitable firms are those who pair bookkeeping and tax preparation with CFO and advisory services.

Becoming an Accountrepreneur

Universal Accounting’s programs will prepare you at each step in your journey to starting an accounting business and becoming an Accountrepreneur. From creating a name for your business all the way to marketing and working with clients, this comprehensive program gives you a proven structure and business plan to start an accounting business.

As the owner of your firm, you operate not only as an accounting professional with certified skills, but also as a business owner yourself. Universal Accounting’s mission is to help accounting professionals get paid what they’re worth.

You won’t have to wait months or even years to get a raise or promotion.

You’ll be in control of your income and will have the power to scale the business as you desire. Whether that be something you do part-time as a side hustle, or working on it full time with the desire to make the business as valuable as possible.

Professional Tax Preparer | Universal Accounting School

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Our Certified Courses

Professional Bookkeeper | Universal Accounting School

Professional Bookkeeper Certification Course

Professional Bookkeeper™ designation represents a person who is proficient in the day-to-day practical application of the accounting process in small to mid-sized businesses.

Quick Books Specialist | Universal Accounting School

QuickBooks Specialist™ Certification

Mastering QuickBooks can help you enhance your standing with a current employer or enhance your practice by adding setup, consultation, and help services to your skills set.

Professional Tax Preparer

Professional Tax Preparer Certification Course

Professional Tax Preparer™ is Universal Accounting School’s unique program that affirms & validates the skills and abilities of an individual to perform tax preparation services for individuals & businesses.

PGE logo 2020

Become a Profit &
Growth Expert™

This proven system empowers you to confidently offer consultative accounting services as a value add to traditional bookkeeping (write-up) accounting and tax work.

Getting your business started

These programs are designed for professionals to make what typically would take months, without proper coaching and mentorship, happen in just weeks. With Universal’s team of academic, life, and marketing coaches offering advice throughout the program and years after completion, you can start a bookkeeping business, start a tax business or start an accounting business that is the premier service provider in your area.

You’ll be in business for yourself but not by yourself. We want to see you succeed on your terms with the support you need. Here’s how it works:

Before you dive into any of the material on starting your business and working with clients, you’ll work with an Orientation Counselor and a life coach to help you understand what to expect in the life of an Accountrepreneur. They’ll help guide you through any feelings of self-doubt or uncertainty that naturally come with embarking on this new journey.

The first online accounting course you’ll take, The Color Accounting Program, centers on learning how to communicate effectively about the needs of the businesses you serve to their owners. It’s easy for clients to get lost in the morass of balance sheets, reconciliations, PNLs, and more that accounting professionals are used to dealing with on a day-to-day basis.

Professional Bookkeeping and Tax Preparation

With that understanding in hand, you’ll then become a certified Professional Bookkeeper with Universal Accounting’s online bookkeeping training program. These courses mitigate the trial and error of learning to run a business as you go.

You’ll learn using real-life scenarios that will simulate what clients will expect from their trusted bookkeeper. And you’ll have an academic coach waiting in the wings to answer any questions you may have about the materials. As part of this online bookkeeping training, you’ll learn the ins and outs of QuickBooks, the most popular software in the world for professional bookkeepers.

Bookkeeping pairs perfectly with tax preparation because the bulk of what tax professionals do is gather financial documents from their clients to use when filing returns. Why not make it easier on your clients and offer tax services with your bookkeeping business?

That’s why the next step in the program is online tax training. Those who become a certified Professional Tax Preparer in conjunction with becoming a certified Professional Bookkeeper are able to earn more profits from fewer clients by offering both services.

Professional Bookkeeper | Universal Accounting School
Professional Tax Preparer

Maximizing your value as a Profit and Growth Expert

The third pillar of the most profitable accounting firms next to bookkeeping and tax preparation is CFO and advisory services. Being able to assess a businesses’ past is what a bookkeeper is for, but business owners need more from their accountants these days than just that. They need the fresh perspective of an expert and actionable plans to put into practice to keep their business in the black. That’s where those who become certified Profit and Growth Experts can shine.
Profit and Growth Experts are like coaches for business owners who often don’t have anyone they can talk to about their business. You’ll teach them cash flow management and sales techniques to increase their top line revenue and keep the business healthy and growing.

With these three services at your disposal – bookkeeping, tax preparation and CFO business advisory services – you will be well on your way to building the premier accounting firm in your area. Universal Accounting will give you all of the training, mentorship and confidence you need to offer these quality services.

The Accountrepreneur’s Journey has been life changing for hundreds of Universal Accounting Center alumni. You can reach your lifestyle and income goals in a short period of time. Our team of expert coaches wants nothing more than to see you succeed, as they have with so many other accounting professionals.

PGE logo 2020

Convenient At-Home Learning

Universal Accounting Center® programs are delivered through informative videos and easy-to-follow workbooks. You can review the tapes as much or as little as necessary to complete your assignments. You set the pace. Our programs have been designed to allow you to gain skills, experience, and the support it takes to advance your career, without disrupting your life.

Contact US to discuss which course best meet your goals.

or schedule an appointment at your convenience.
We look forward to speak with you soon.

Customer reviews

What People Are Saying

Vasud Zaul | 5 star reviews | Reviews
LeTeisha Robinson | 5 star reviews | Reviews
Keithas Rojas | 5 star review | Reviews
Steven Schumpert | 5 reviews | Reviews
Keithas Rojas | 5 star review | Reviews
Monique Fox | 5 star reviews | Reviews

Excel in Your Career with Confidence and Competence

Universal Accounting Center® is proud to offer programs providing certifications, continuing education, and professional designations to help individuals excel in their careers with confidence.

Do you want to know how professional certifications could help you start or grow your own accounting business?

Schedule a discovery call! A friendly and knowledgeable UAC Advisor will help you explore your options and uncover the right training solution and business plan to suit you.

A girl working with a laptop

Certified accounting courses online

Would you ever receive surgery from a doctor who wasn’t certified? Of course not! Business owners looking to hire accountants look at uncertified providers in much the same way. That’s why we at Universal Accounting Center have designed courses to not only train you on accounting principles, but certify your abilities as a bookkeeper, tax preparer/planner or business advisor.

First, you’ll learn the language of accounting with the Color Accounting course so that you can effectively communicate the services you’re bringing to your clients.

Next, you’ll become certified in the area of accounting that you want to provide for your clients, be that bookkeeping or tax preparation. Gathering the financial information you need as a Professional Bookkeeper prepares you for preparing tax returns and pairs nicely with the Professional Tax Preparer program. There is also a program to certify you as a QuickBooks Specialist to verify your ability to work with the most popular bookkeeping software in the world to your clients.

Academic coaches will answer any questions you have as you navigate through the material and will help prepare you for the exam to certify your abilities.Once you’re certified, a business coach will help you develop a business plan and market your services to start working with clients within 90 days of starting the program.

Certify your worth with Universal Accounting Center

Certifications are a symbol of trust in our society and becoming certified is a great way to give business owners you might serve at an accounting firm confidence in your ability to bring value to their business.

Universal Accounting Center’s Turnkey Process for starting an accounting business makes it easy to start working with clients in just a few weeks. You don’t have to reinvent the wheel.

There’s a team of expert coaches waiting to help you earn the bookkeeping, tax preparation and business advisory certifications you need to start or expand your accounting firm.

Act now, reach out to Universal to see what you can do to leverage your current experience to another level and get paid what you are worth.
We look forward to speaking with you!

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