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Category: 8. Tax & IRS Updates

Category: 8. Tax & IRS Updates

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Becoming An Enrolled Agent

5 Reasons Why You Should Consider Becoming An Enrolled Agent

Are you looking for a career in the tax industry? Have you considered becoming an enrolled agent (EA)? An enrolled agent is a federally-authorized tax practitioner who has technical expertise

4 min 46 sec read
Understanding IRS AFSP Guidelines

Understanding IRS AFSP Guidelines

The IRS Annual Filing Season Program (AFSP) is a voluntary program designed to recognize tax preparers who have completed a certain level of tax education and have met the IRS's

3 min 49 sec read
IRS Urges Required Preparers to Take Competency Test as Soon as Possible

IRS Urges Required Preparers to Take Competency Test as Soon as Possible

Three years ago the Internal Revenue Service established the new tax preparer initiative requiring paid preparers to register and secure a PTIN, take a competency test, and engage in 15 hours of continuing education every year.  These requirements were established to provide the IRS with more oversight of the preparer industry while enhancing taxpayer compliance […]

3 min 17 sec read
Tax News: Calculating Telephone Excise Tax Refunds

Tax News: Calculating Telephone Excise Tax Refunds

Business Owners and Non-Profit Organizations: The IRS Announces a Formula for Calculating Telephone Excise Tax Refunds In May of 2006 the Treasure Department announced that beginning April 1 the government would no longer collect federal excise tax on long-distance telephone service. They also announced that taxpayers could request refunds for telephone excise tax collected after […]

2 min 30 sec read
The National Taxpayer Advocate Submits Mid-Year Report to Congress

The National Taxpayer Advocate Submits Mid-Year Report to Congress

Every year the National Taxpayer Advocate submits a report to Congress identifying significant tax issues the TAS (Tax Advocate Service) will focus on in the upcoming fiscal year.  On June 27, Nina E. Olson (current National Taxpayer Advocate) released the mid-year report expressing particular concern about the “taxpayer impact of expired and expiring tax provisions, […]

2 min 49 sec read
RTRP Court Case Updates

RTRP Court Case Updates

We’ve been updating our readers on the status of the RTRP court case for the past few months.  Our last update ran in April.  Here is what’s happened since: May 16, 2013.  The IRS released a statement regarding the refunds for cancelled RTRP scheduled tests: Fee amounts collected for scheduled registered tax return preparer test […]

2 min 54 sec read
The National Taxpayer Advocate Submits Year-End Report to Congress

The National Taxpayer Advocate Submits Year-End Report to Congress

Every year the National Taxpayer Advocate submits a report to Congress identifying the most significant issues encountered by taxpayers.  On January 9th, 2014, National Taxpayer Advocate Nina E. Olson released the 2013 annual report which focuses on two main concerns: the need for a taxpayer bill of rights and inadequate IRS funding. In regards to […]

3 min 0 sec read
The National Taxpayer Advocate Submits Year-End Report to Congress

The National Taxpayer Advocate Submits Year-End Report to Congress

Every year the National Taxpayer Advocate submits a report to Congress identifying the most significant issues encountered by taxpayers.  On December 31st, Nina E. Olson (current National Taxpayer Advocate) released the year-end report which focuses on three main concerns: the need for tax reform, budget increases to aid the IRS in better serving taxpayers and […]

2 min 49 sec read
The National Taxpayer Advocate Submits Mid-End Report to Congress

The National Taxpayer Advocate Submits Mid-End Report to Congress

The National Taxpayer Advocate Submits Mid-End Report to Congress Every year the National Taxpayer Advocate submits a report to Congress identifying priority issues the TSA plans to focus on the upcoming fiscal year.  On June 26th, Nina E. Olson (current National Taxpayer Advocate) released the mid-year report which noted three main concerns: how budget cuts […]

2 min 54 sec read
IRS Tax News and Updates

IRS Tax News and Updates

The IRS announced that the 2014 tax season opens on January 31st and ends on April 15th. This start day comes one day later than the opening day last year, partly to give the IRS more time to program and test a new tax processing system. IRS Acting Commissioner Danny Werfel explained, “Our teams have been […]

2 min 36 sec read
The IRS Helps Americans Plan for Retirement

The IRS Helps Americans Plan for Retirement

The IRS is interested in helping Americans save for the future and has taken time to create some guidance that will enable taxpayers to better choose a retirement plan that suits their unique needs. In a March 21, 2012 press release, the IRS detailed four ways they are helping Americans put their savings to better […]

1 min 57 sec read
The IRS Continues to Fight RTRP Court Ruling

The IRS Continues to Fight RTRP Court Ruling

Recently we posted an article updating you on the RTRP Court Ruling as of February 1st, 2013.  The IRS continues to battle the ruling, attempting to advance its case as follows: The IRS took advantage of its right to file an appeal within 60 days from the ruling, and on February 21st, 2013, the Department […]

2 min 6 sec read

Our Certified Courses

Professional Bookkeeper | Universal Accounting School

Professional Bookkeeper Certification Course

Professional Bookkeeper™: Expertise in Accounting for Small Businesses

Quick Books Specialist | Universal Accounting School

QuickBooks Specialist™ Certification

Mastering QuickBooks can help you enhance your standing with a current employer or enhance your practice by adding setup, consultation, and help services to your skills set.

Professional Tax Preparer

Professional Tax Preparer Certification Course

Professional Tax Preparer™ is Universal Accounting School’s unique program that affirms & validates the skills and abilities of an individual to perform tax preparation services for individuals & businesses.

PGE logo 2020

Become a Profit &
Growth Expert™

This proven system empowers you to confidently offer consultative accounting services as a value add to traditional bookkeeping (write-up) accounting and tax work.

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