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Color Accounting™ Online Course

Color Accounting is designed to make it easier to learn the fundamentals of accounting. It is an augmentation to the process that you know so well.  It is in no way a substitute or replacement for traditional accounting. And yes, it is REAL accounting. In this self-study version Mark Robilliard said it best – “All the best attributes of the acclaimed classroom-based workshop, but in the convenience of your own time.”

Course Description

What is Color Accounting?

Color Accounting is a revolutionary way of quickly and easily understanding financial information in a brilliant self-study workshop format.  You will use diagrams and logical colors to see graphically how accounting actually works in a fun interactive way.

Interactive Learning

We fully engage you first with a story-telling, hands-on, and model building activity.  It all happens on your desk and in a vivid diagram on the board in front of you.  It’s wonderful to see the accounting model in a whole new way.  No boring lectures, no assumptions that you already know the basics, no same old same old.

Results?  You will learn the language of accounting and business and understand how it all can be applied to business decisions.


Table of Contents

Introduction to the course

Module 1: The Foundation of Accounting Literacy

Module 2: Accounting Comes Alive

Module 3: Financial Storytelling & Analysis

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Your Profit & Growth Expert

Your business is an asset. You should know its value and understand how to maximize it.

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Convenient At-Home Learning

Color Accounting is a new interactive way of learning about accounting. For tens of thousands of students, managers, lawyers and leaders… from Australia to San Francisco… Color Accounting has had a life-changing impact on their skill, confidence, communication and success.  This accounting training program is delivered through easy-to-follow instructional videos and workbooks. You have the flexibility to complete the courses on your own time, in a way that fits your life. Even though you may be training from the comfort of home, you are far from on your own.

  • 60+ Video Lessons
  • Clock Hours: 9
  • Designed to be done in 1 or 2 days
  • BaSIS Framework™ and self-study materials
  • Online access, anywhere, anytime
  • Related Coaching & Support

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