Improved Health = Improved Business

Neglecting your health will come back to haunt your business at some point, either in sick time, lack of focus, or compromised workflow.  And while we’re not suggesting you train for a triathlon, we are saying that taking better care of yourself will only benefit your business in the long run.  

Here are five things to consider: 

1. Sleep.  Lack of sleep can make it difficult to focus and work efficiently.  Experts suggest you get approximately eight hours of sleep per night.  Unfortunately many people are currently running on a sleep deficit, in need of catching up on sleep in order to function properly.  To get your body back on track, try refraining from caffeine and alcohol for a week and consistently getting seven to eight hours of uninterrupted sleep per night. 

2. Hydrate.  Dehydration can cause migraines, diarrhea, back pain, hypertension, and even depression.  Obviously all these side-effects can impair your health and impact your business.  Doctors suggest you drink32 ounces of water per day.  When overworked we may rely on caffeine to boost our energy and alertness.  That can give us the allusion of hydration; however, it does not satisfy the body’s need for pure fluids.

3. Eat right.  Your body is a machine that requires fuel to function.  The fuel, or food, you put into your body will affect its efficiency.  When you eat well, your body will function well.  When you fuel your body with fast food and junk food, your body will function accordingly.  

4. Exercise. Regular exercise is another way to boost your energy level.  It’s no secret that exercise increases your metabolism as well as your self-image.  When you exercise regularly you feel better about yourself, are more confident, and work with vigor and vitality. 

5. Meditate. It’s important to set aside time everyday to think, ponder and reflect.  Whatever meditation method you use, dedicating time to stillness will rejuvenate the mind and help motivate your every action as you move throughout your day. 

You don’t need to lose 100 pounds or be bikini-ready in order to enjoy a healthier lifestyle.  And you don’t have to make drastic changes in order for your physical health to begin impacting the health of your business.  Take a moment and vow to take better care of yourself, not because you’re overweight or want to fit in those skinny jeans, but because you’re worth it.  Consider it a personal investment that will reap big business returns. 

Financing a Small Business

If you have ever considered launching your own practice, or if you’d like to enhance your service offerings, becoming a financial consultant can help you achieve that. Our manual, Becoming a Financial Consultant, is packed with clear-cut instructions and terrific resource materials that will simplify the creation of a loan application package.  Using the sample loan package included as a model, you can easily help clients apply for a valuable business loan.  Within hours you can begin offering your services as a financial consultant.  Call Universal at 1-877-833-7909 to order your copy now!