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Laura Ferguson

Laura FLaura Ferguson, Value Builder Director of Sales and Business Development.  Laura trains and on-boards Advisors onto the Lead Management platform. She also coaches Advisors on how best to leverage The Value Builder System™ in their practice. Contact your Customer Success Manager for:

  • Best practices in marketing and sales
  • Best practices for using the tools provided
  • Coaches towards integrating The Value Builder System™ into their business model

Laura Ferguson holds a Bachelor of Arts from McMaster University as well as a Certificate in Human Resources.  With a decade of experience in training, on-boarding and customer satisfaction, Laura looks forward to helping make your use of The Value Builder System™ a success. Laura’s responsibilities include: training new advisors on our platform, questions about the portal, best practices for sales/marketing and to brainstorm the most effective ways of leveraging The Value Builder System™ in your business.

Laura Ferguson teaches the Value Builder (VB) course.
