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Building a Successful Tax Practice

This module of the Professional Tax Preparer (PTP) program has been developed to give you a head start in creating and running your own tax preparation service. (Building a Successful Tax Practice – Table of Content) You will learn from the experts.  Since 1979 Universal Accounting Center has been helping individuals just like you get their businesses started and running profitably in weeks, not months.  The skills and strategies presented in Module IV of the PTP are the result of years of experience in running a tax preparation business and incorporate the input of countless tax professionals. You will find yourself light years ahead of the competition as you put these strategies into play.  Each session in this module provides a proven and practical direction for starting a tax preparation business and growing it profitably. These sessions will also help you work confidently and professionally with prospective and current clients.

Session 1, “Getting Started Right,” will provide direction in business set up, necessary equipment and software selection, and a host of other valuable topics.

Session 2, “Effective Marketing,” provides nine different marketing strategies that will build your client roster in no time at all.  Each of these strategies is easy and inexpensive and can be started at any time of the year.

Since interviewing is an important part of a tax practice, we cover it in session 3, “Comfortable Interviewing Techniques.”  Here your instructor will train you on how to prepare and run a successful client interview.  Additionally, there are three vignettes where the instructor demonstrates important parts of the interview process.

Session 4, “Profitable Fee Calculations,” focuses on how to charge for your services. This is where you get your rewards for your knowledge and work.  We will show you how to charge like the professionals do and, like them, earn over $100 per hour.

Finally, in session 5, “Always the Expert Tax Preparer,” you will better understand your role as both a business owner and a tax practitioner.  Your instructor will share invaluable advice on how to properly run a business and be recognized as the expert you’ve become. Lesson Outline:

  • Getting Started Right
  • Effective Marketing
  • Comfortable Interviewing Techniques
  • Profitable Fee Calculations
  • Always the Expert Tax Preparer


What's Next in Your Journey to Becoming a Certified Tax Professional?

Professional Tax Preparer

The Professional Tax Preparer™ Program will teach you how to Get Comfortable with Business Basics, you will understand the most common forms of business organizations, including their advantages and disadvantages, and how to capture the information for their returns. You will also learn how dispositions impact the tax return, and about different retirement programs that the business may choose to offer their employees. There will also be an introduction to payroll withholding issues that you should be familiar with. More detail on many of these topics is available in the Professional Bookkeeper™ Program offered by Universal Accounting Center. You will not find a more complete or easier to understand course on the market. Your new business in one course is right at your fingertips. Let us help you get started. Our support staff is waiting for your calls and questions. They will help you every step of the way. We offer you months and months of support to help you get started. They will help you with the course and help with the test or business question you have. They know what they are doing and can save you a lot of time. We Guarantee it.


This training intends to help you start your tax business such that you are in business for yourself but not by yourself.  In addition to creating your business plan, you’ll work with your assigned business coach to identify and implement effectively proven marketing efforts that we’ve determined to be both effective and inexpensive.  Here’s what you can expect:

  • You’ll have an assigned Marketing Coach to support & help build your tax business
  • Building a Successful Tax Service: This includes proven marketing strategies, pricing, client interviewing for budgeting & forecasting and much more.
  • As part of your enrollment and upon completion of the program you’ll have the opportunity to speak with your assigned business coach and have a Marketing Implementation Session.  This will be a one-on-one discussion to develop your business plan and a clear marketing strategy to get you the clients you need.





