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Get Certified.
Offer Better Services.
Get Paid What You're Worth.

Helping Accounting Professionals Excel in Their Careers since 1979

What is your next career goal as an accounting professional? Become a:


Tax Preparer


Start a Business

Learn the Turnkey steps to start your own successful accounting, bookkeeping, tax and/or CFO & advisory business with Universal Accounting Center. In fact, be in business for yourself but not by yourself with Universal. For quick questions and answers, please set a schedule and talk with us by clicking the button below.

As a "thank you" for your time be sure to ask for FREE access to our Turnkey Business Plan for accounting professionals course. Or just CLICK HERE to get started now.

testimonials B Gbenga Asedeko 1024x234 (1)
William Orphelia - Review
Nona Ferrell 1024x190 11zon

Build a Business

Offering quality accounting services using the best practice management systems to work efficiently and profitably as the premier accounting firm in your area. For quick questions and answers, please set a schedule and talk with us by clicking the button below.

As a "thank you" for your time be sure to ask to receive a free copy of "The Accountant's Guide to Business Turnarounds, From Red to Black in 30 days". Or just CLICK HERE to get it now!

Sandy Rockwell Build the Business 1024x521 11zon
Christine Kinsley 1024x490 11zon
GC25 color horiz

GrowCon is an invaluable resource for Owners of Bookkeeping, Accounting, and Tax businesses to connect with the right people, companies, tools, technologies, & resources while delivering powerful presentations and providing the latest and greatest trade secrets to MOVE and GROW your business to success and beyond!

The Conference Exclusively for Owners of Bookkeeping, Tax & Accounting Companies

Janet Snider
Taylor Christiansen
Pat Miller

Better Employment

Get the training, certifications coaching and support to have the job you deserve as an accounting, bookkeeping, tax professional. For quick questions and answers, please set a schedule and talk with us by clicking the button below.

As a "thank you" for your time be sure to as for FREE access to our Job Placement Assistance course or JUST CLICK HERE to get started now.

Ana G 1024x307 11zon
Victoria Friateloa | 5 star review | Reviews
Marissa 1024x231 (1) 11zon

What Makes Us Different

Attain Success in
Your Career

Our courses can help you get paid what you are worth. As a UAC graduate, you'll have the skills to build your career and even start your own business.

Proven Marketing To Find & Retain Clients

Learn our turnkey process for starting and building a successful accounting business. Our proven methods will help you both find and retain new clients.

Flexible Distance

Our programs are delivered through rich and engaging training videos, so you can get the skills to advance your career in a way that fits your life and learning style.

Best Accounting Center for Small Business | Universal Accounting School


We've Helped Thousands of Individuals Advance Their Accounting Careers

Since 1979, Universal Accounting Center® (UAC) has recognized the need for specialized training in small business accounting, bookkeeping, and tax. We are a Better Business Bureau accredited accounting school and have helped tens of thousands of individuals get the skills, experience, and credentials it takes to advance their accounting careers.

Let us customize a program for you instead of having a school tell you what you need. Call UAC today and speak with a representative who can help you with your present situation, based on your background and goals before recommending one or more of our guaranteed programs.

Accounting Center for Small Business | Universal Accounting School


We've Helped Thousands of Individuals Advance Their Accounting Careers

Since 1979, Universal Accounting Center® (UAC) has recognized the need for specialized training in small business accounting, bookkeeping, and tax. We are a Better Business Bureau accredited accounting school and have helped tens of thousands of individuals get the skills, experience, and credentials it takes to advance their accounting careers.

Let us customize a program for you instead of having a school tell you what you need. Call UAC today and speak with a representative who can help you with your present situation, based on your background and goals before recommending one or more of our guaranteed programs.

Trokon Pope Build Business 1024x566 11zon
testimonials D Tricia Brown 1024x294 11zon
Dina Fontenot 1024x264 11zon

Get the skills to build your own successful Bookkeeping & Accounting Practice with Universal Accounting®

Universal Accounting Center® provides not only the relevant industry skills to become a qualified accounting professional, but also tested marketing models, promotional plans, and easy-to-follow guides to help you start and build your practice. Plus, receive up to 2-years of marketing coaching and assistance.

Give us a phone call for Quick Answers

or schedule an appointment at your convenience
We look forward to speak with you directly

Accounting Center for Small Business

Which is the biggest challenge you are facing today?

Call us or schedule an appointment and let's talk about it.
We would love to speak with you directly.


Be in Business for yourself but not by yourself

Universal Accounting®'s training programs specialize in small business accounting so you can take advantage of this valuable niche market.

Vasud Zaul | 5 star reviews | Reviews
LeTeisha Robinson | 5 star reviews | Reviews
testimonials E Keitha Rojas 1024x267 11zon
Steven Schumpert | 5 reviews | Reviews
Keithas Rojas | 5 star review | Reviews
testimonials E Monique Fox Support

Building the Premier Accounting Firm Podcast

Listen to our free podcasts and gain valuable knowledge as we feature special guests to share their life experiences and knowledge in building the premier accounting firm.

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