Become a Tax Professional and Increase Your Business’s Longevity

By this time next year you could be knee-deep in tax returns, making as much money in four months’ time as you might an entire year bookkeeping.  Within a few short weeks you could easily become a full-service financial provider by gaining valuable tax preparation skills.  Not only will this keep you busy year-round, but it will increase your income significantly.  Not many business owners anticipate experiencing a substantial increase in profitability this year.  You could be one of the few that do.

A Recession-Proof Profession

In these tough economic times, there’s no profession with greater job security than tax preparation.  Nearly every adult needs to submit a return yearly.  This makes your prospective client base vast.  And with regular and complex changes to the tax code, most individuals and small businesses look to a competent professional to file their returns.  Those competent professionals charge upwards of $75 per hour.

We’re guessing you already have a handful, if not more, accounting clients.  Tax preparation is a complementary service which would appeal to many of your current clients.  You already manage all their financial data; it would be a natural transition for them to have you prepare their tax returns as well.  In this, you could begin making money as a tax preparer quite easily without increasing your marketing efforts.

How Simple Is It?

By taking UAC’s Professional Tax Preparer program, you will learn all you need to know to handle just about any individual or business return you might encounter.  The four volumes of printed manuals combine with the four sets of DVDs to provide clear explanations of the broadest range of basic tax concepts, with specific examples of how these concepts apply to real taxpayers.  This program also includes hands-on practice with actual IRS tax forms, practical tips for tax professionals and their clients, and multiple-choice quizzes to test your knowledge.

The four modules that comprise this course are as follows:

    Module 1: Establishing the Tax Foundation

    Module 2: Becoming the 1040 Expert

    Module 3: Profitable Business Returns

    Module 4: Building Your Successful Tax Practice

      We believe that the Professional Tax Preparer course is not only the best tax training on the market but the best tax training course of its kind, bar none.  By enrolling in this stellar course you will be able to change the nature of your business, enhancing your profitability, and perhaps, ensuring your practice’s ability to survive the recession.  As you enhance your service offerings, you take an offensive stance in the current market while many of your competitors have already retreated to a defensive position.  You gain a competitive edge and secure your success in a tentative economy.  That’s a win-win scenario.

      This reasonable investment will provide you will long-term results and a significant return.  Take advantage of our newly updated course materials and enroll now!

      A Day in the Life of a UAC Graduate

      True Life Success

      Wouldn’t you like to sit down and have a good, long discussion with someone who’s living your dream?  Someone who could offer advice, tell you what to do, what not to do, and prove that what you’ve always wanted is possible?  If you want to build a thriving accounting practice, then we have the motivational conversation for you.

      Scott Barhold completed the Universal Practice Builder program last year and he’s currently finishing the Professional Bookkeeper Program.  Learn from his experience and see just how these two Universal programs can change the face of your business, for the better.

      Growing His Practice


      The UPB program is designed to teach financial professionals how to better market their services; it also guarantees that graduates will increase their annual billings by at least $30,000 in just 12

      months.  When asked how the program has benefitted his bottom line Scott replied, “My practice has grown from $36k to $87k in the first 6 months, and this year my current projections are about $127K.  I did this by learning how to market what I do.”  That’s more than an initial $50,000 in increased billings with a projected increase of over $90,000 this year, and Scott has accomplished this in a very tenuous financial market.

      Scott explained, “The greatest benefit [of the UPB] for me was the understanding of what I needed to make my practice a success and the ability to achieve it.  [It] taught me how to successfully market my product and say the right thing to the right people in the right way at the right time.”

      He goes on to say that “going to Utah for the UPB workshop can be the difference between watching a sporting event and playing in it.  It is truly the dynamics that change.  You will come out with more than you could possibly imagine, and a road map of how to achieve it.”

      Growing His Expertise and Experience

      The Professional Bookkeeper Program is intended to train individuals in the day-to-day tasks of small-business accounting, enabling graduates to earn valuable professional certification.  While he has yet to finish the PB Program, Scott feels that the PB designation will help set him apart from his competition.

      Much of Scott’s success stems from his positive attitude regarding his business and his life.  He realizes that his daily tasks are the building blocks for the future success of his business.

      Scott described to us a typical day at the office:  “My day usually starts with a day plan, the tasks and meetings that I need to accomplish, and a look at the work in progress.  Each day has some marketing involved from e-mails, to letters, to advertisements, and networking.  Then it is off to execute the day plan.  All tasks must be checked before I can go home.  No sales day can end on a no; each must end on a positive.  This lays seed today for a better tomorrow.  To let a day end on a failure is to let today finish better than tomorrow will be.  That is not an acceptable direction for my plan, my business, or my life.”

      Client Relationships

      Scott believes that the true value of his clients is not in the quantity but in the quality.  “For instance,” Scott says, “One of my clients has over 100 gas stations- [the quality] is in what I bring to him and his businesses. I am currently bringing a uniformity in reporting of income and expenses.  This will make his life easier so he can do more of what he wants to do.”

      Scott finds that his clients value face-time and communication.  He explains, “I think the service that I sell is peace of mind.  My clients know that they are going to spend time with me, and that they will feel more at-ease about looking at their financial report.  I constantly hear clients say, ‘My old accountant never went over this with me.'”

      Challenges and Rewards

      The most challenging element of his job is in finding balance.  “There is a delicate balance between marketing and production.  I had to learn how to effectively delegate tasks in order for the practice to grow.  I love what I do, and I have come to learn that it is a valuable skill to business owners, that many do not possess. But without delegation, I am limited to the amount of help I can give.”

      “The most rewarding aspect is that I can help so many others get what they want.  Nobody wants a business that is flailing about.  By doing what I know best, many times I can help them see their business in a whole new light.  It is rewarding that my clients realize the value that I bring to their business–the relationship that builds as we set plans in motion to meet their goals and objectives.  I actually enjoy watching as we overcome obstacles as a team and celebrate milestone successes with my clients.”

      Scott’s Advice to Those Starting and/or Growing Their Own Bookkeeping Practice

      “Know what you are getting into.  Your clients will rely on you for information; spend the time to become an expert in your field so that you can help them… become an expert in theirs.  And to take something that I have learned from UAC – Believe in yourself, decide what you want, plan for success, and execute your plan!”

      Learn more about these two programs that have helped Scott achieve the success he’s currently experiencing by visiting Universal Accounting Center today.