Universal Accounting School

Are You a Workaholic – Part I - Universal Accounting School
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Are You a Workaholic – Part I


Take Our 10 Question Quiz to Find Out

A workaholic busy at her desk.There’s nothing wrong with being passionate about your business. In fact, there’s nothing wrong with being a driven entrepreneur. But when you become consumed with work, your practice can eclipse your personal life and make it difficult to function healthily. Take our quiz to find out if you’re a workaholic.1. Do you feel overwhelmed?Stress is not necessarily a bad thing; it enables you to stay on-task and complete priority projects. But if you find yourself constantly overwhelmed by your work, then it may be time to take a step back and reassess your approach.2. Are you irritable?Workaholics often find that their patience wears thin and they are easily irritated. If you’re running on a short fuse and it’s working its way into your personal life we’re guessing your relationships are suffering.3. Do you think about work when “off the clock”?While it’s okay to enjoy your business, a balanced life includes things outside of your office. Workaholics often haven’t achieved that balance and think about work 24/7.4. Have you made small mistakes because you have too much on your plate?When your business begins to suffer because you have overbooked yourself or said “yes” to too many clients and too many projects, you need to reprioritize. What good is all that work if you’re unable to perform effectively?5. Do you find yourself multitasking more than you single-task?Has your laptop become an accessory? Do you check your email while eating lunch? The quality of your work may be suffering as a result (see number 4).6. Do you feel guilty when not working?If you find it difficult to enjoy your personal time because you’re consumed with guilt, you owe it to yourself to find a better way to manage your professional life.7. Do you impose lots of unrealistic deadlines for yourself?Workaholics tend to task themselves unrealistically and then become severely disappointed when they don’t meet their own expectations.8. Do you find it difficult to relax?What good is a thriving business if you can’t enjoy it? Your personal time provides you with the opportunity to relax and regroup. If you find that to be difficult you should strive for more balance.9. Are your personal relationships suffering from your obsession with work?Again, what good is a thriving business when your personal life suffers as a result? There are lots of business owners who manage to run successful businesses while enjoying healthy personal relationships; you can be one of them.10. Do you find yourself forgetting important events like birthdays and anniversaries?If you answered “yes,” then this is proof that something in your life is distracting you from significant events. If that something is your business then you need to reevaluate your approach.Passion is an important characteristic of any successful entrepreneur. But if taken too far that passion can become obsession and infringe on your personal life, negatively impacting those you love and care about. If you’re interested in managing your business rather than having it manage you, come back next week to learn how to better balance your work and personal life.

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