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Boost Your Marketing Efforts with Testimonials


Boost Your Marketing Efforts with Testimonials


TestimonialsTestimonials go a long way in creating a lasting impression on prospective clients.  They are memorable, versatile, reusable, and give you a competitive edge, not to mention that they build your credibility as an accountant.  How can you secure the best client testimonials and put them to good use?  Consider the following 4 tips:

1. Timing IS everything.

When a client is especially pleased with your work or has achieved a financial milestone as a direct result of your efforts, ask for a testimonial you could use in your marketing efforts.  Karen Klein addressed this topic in her article entitled, “Happy Clients Spread the Love.”  There she quoted Linda Hamburger, owner of On Call PR in Deerfield Beach, Florida as saying, “Chances are, not only will they give permission, they might in turn feel complimented that you value their comments enough to use them.”

2. Get specific.

Chris Durban, a freelance translator in Paris who co-authored the “Fire Ant & Worker Bee” column for Translation Journal says, “Long and vague lists of ‘satisfied clients’ with no specifics on actual jobs… may impress the naive but won’t cut much ice with demanding buyers.”  Make sure your testimonials speak to the specifics of what you do and how well you perform your services.

And to get the most bang for your testimonial buck, we suggest you ask current clients to be as prolific as they feel comfortable.  The longer (and more specific) the testimonial, the more flexible you can be with its use.  You can choose to run the full account in a brochure, mailing, or spotlight on your website.  Or you can use excerpts for completely different purposes.  The larger your reserve of expressive testimonials, the more varied and expansive their potential use.

3.    Be creative.

Now that you’ve secured a handful of client testimonials, it’s time that you used them.  Remember that testimonials are extremely valuable, especially when appealing to prospective clients that may not know you personally; they speak volumes of your credibility and worth as a financial professional.  Look for innovative and unusual ways to insert these testimonials into your current marketing efforts.  Can you dedicate a page of your website to client testimonials?  Which might work well in your print ads or flyers?  Could you use some in radio or television commercials?

4. Continue mining.

Once you’ve gotten a good portfolio of client testimonials, you must remember to continue mining for more.  Even a handful of good quotes can get old if you overuse them.  Building your collection of testimonials will ensure that you always have something worthwhile and inexpensive from which to draw.

Marketing to Build Your Practice

If you’re looking for more low-cost, high-impact marketing strategies, you should consider our Universal Practice Builder (UPB) program.  This turn-key marketing solution will enable you to grow your business with our proven system.   You could work for years on a marketing plan, hitting and missing, only to find your business growing at a snail’s pace.  Imagine learning which marketing strategies work in one, self-contained course.

Enhancing Your Professional Appeal

Add to the UPB the Professional Bookkeeper (PB) program and you have a failsafe approach to growing your business and your reputation (enabling you to secure even more of those client testimonials).  Not only will the PB course teach you how to accomplish daily small-business accounting tasks, but you will have the opportunity to earn professional certification!

Don’t Just Take Our Word for It

We’ll allow our student testimonials to speak of the true value of these programs:

“As an average for each client I am making about $30 – $50 an hour, I’ve been able to quit my full-time job. Thanks again to everyone at Universal Accounting Center! It has created for me a brighter outlook financially, as well as more free time in my personal life. And, I didn’t have to go to college for years and pay thousands of dollars for an education.” — S. Thomas (PB)“UAC is the premier trainer of the accountants of the future. They truly understand how to differentiate their clients from the average accountants. To be honest, I don’t want anyone in my area to know about UAC. I think the information provided will truly separate my services from 95% of my competition.” – Magnus E. (UPB)“I can honestly say that the hands-on training from Universal Accounting Center was far more helpful than that of my degree program. The training I received in you class was superb, exactly what I needed for the type of accounting business I was trying to start. I have been so pleased with the training I received from you, that my two part-time employees are currently taking your course.” – S.A. Ivins (PB)”This seminar was the most inspirational seminar I have attended and I did not regret one minute. Hopefully, I can now implement on what I have learned to become successful.” – Lawrence A.

Learn more about this valuable opportunity to enhance your professionalism and your client base today!


Klein, Karen E.  “Happy Clients Spread the Love.” 31 October 2005.

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