Client Secrets are Your Secrets
As accountants we are exposed often to our client’s sensitive proprietary information such as the names and status of our client’s customers, performance reviews, salary information, legal matters, research data, company reduction or expansion plans, labor negotiations, finances, and product development. It becomes are responsibility to make sure we don’t share this information with the wrong person or people.
To help maintain confidentiality…* Never discuss confidential company business outside your client’s office unless the client is present or has given you specific authority to do so.* Keep your voice low-pitched so that you won’t be overheard when talking about your client’s company matters in public. Be especially careful in restaurants, shuttles, at the water cooler, and on airport phones.* Minimize client-related chitchat. Don’t initiate discussion of sensitive client information with other accountants, and change the subject if associates bring up such topics.* Be on guard at social functions. That new acquaintanceyou talk to shouldn’t be counted on to keep any information you may reveal in confidence.By practicing discretion, you can help prevent sensitiveinformation from leaking out.
Other sections from this week’s newsletter:
- Purchase the Professional Bookkeeper Program and get the Financing a Small Business Course at No Additional Charge
- Make Your First Impression a Lasting One
- Keep Your Bookkeeping Service Flying High