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Give Service All Day Long


Give Service All Day Long


Squeeze the most out of every moment to find time for what’s really important!

No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave. Calvin Coolidge 1872-1933 I must admit, I am very lucky. I really like what I do. I get to sit down at my little computer, think good thoughts, and talk to you. Fortunately, it doesn’t stop at thinking good thoughts. I actually have to put words on the page that help you, or we don’t get to talk to each other today.

Every morning starts with a plan.

One of the first things I do when I sit down at my desk in the morning, is look at the day, what I need to accomplish, and map out a plan for what I’d like to get done that day. I know this sounds pretty basic. Not much to it. And, I have to admit, there isn’t much to it. It’s pretty simple, but the time I save more than makes up for the time I spend organizing my day. It gives me the mandate to focus on what’s really important.If I don’t go through this ritual every day, I find that before the day is over, I lose steam. Have you ever noticed that most people start the morning all fired up and ready to take on the day, however, as the day wears on and they start to get tired; sometimes, their get-up-and-go, does just exactly that. Stephen Covey said, “The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities.”Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “Many people die with their music still in them. Why is this so? Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it, time runs out.”In other words, we can’t afford to wait for opportunity to come to us, we need to create our own opportunities. Today, more than ever, it’s important to look ahead with an easy-to-follow plan; follow the plan and discover how truly simple it really is to find the success we’re looking for.

I’m glad I don’t have to wear the Speedo anymore.

When I was in High School I was on the swim team. Swim work-outs started every morning at 5:30am. I used to dream about my first length in the pool swinging an ice pick and chopping up the ice that was in my way so I could swim my workout. It was tough, but when I look back, I kind of miss those workouts.I know this will kind of date me, but in 1976, Olympic backstroker, John Naber was one of my heroes. In the Montreal Olympics he set two world records, won two gold medals and was the first man in history to swim the 200 meter backstroke in under two minutes.Like most hero worshipers, I was really excited to hear him speak in person the following year. He talked about how he knew how fast he would have to go to beat the East Germans. He put down a definitive, concise, and quantifiable, time in seconds and tenths of seconds, as his goal.With only two years to get ready, John knew how much faster he had to be every year. He also knew how that would effect every month, every week, and every day. He went so far as to determine how much faster he had to be on every set within every workout. I think it was something like 1/100 th of a second and he said, “I can do that.”

The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. -Lao Tzu

Let’s take a minute and look at the big picture. What do you want to accomplish with your life? Believe it or not, working 30 hours per week at $30.00 per hour, you’ll be earning over $40,000.00 per year! (By the way, $30 per hour is a very reasonable goal. Many of our graduates us the billing techniques taught in the Professional Bookkeeper Program to bill as much as double that!)Ask yourself, what can I do this month, this week, today, even this morning, to make my dream a reality?Focus on your “big picture” goals. Put them into smaller, easier-to-accomplish pieces, just like John and you’ll be able to say, “I can do that.” Best of all, you’ll be able to end the day the same way you started it. Excited about what you do. Excited about where you’re going. And excited about your future.At Universal Accounting, we’re excited about your future. Today, more than ever, owning your own Accounting and Tax Preparation business may be just the ticket to help you accomplish your financial goals. With the finest course material anywhere and a terrific value, the Professional Bookkeeper and Accounting Program will be the perfect, “first step” to your journey of a thousand miles. Make this moment count… order your Bookkeeping and Accounting program now!

Get Started By Learning the Accounting and Bookkeeping Portion of a Financial Services Business

Having a solid understanding of the Accounting and Bookkeeping methods and procedures is a great first step in learning the concepts behind Financial Business Analysis. You will learn to do books for small to mid-sized companies and how to analyze the books to prepare reports. You will learn to interpret reports so that you can advise your clients how to reduce costs and to better understand their financial standing and profitability. Your clients will look to you as an invaluable source of information about the financial health of their organization.

If you are considering adding Tax Preparation/ Planning services to your Financial Services business at some point, you get a great price by purchasing both programs as a bundle.

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