Universal Accounting School

How To Disagree With Your Client - Universal Accounting School
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How To Disagree With Your Client


An occasional difference with your client is not to be feared. It may even be an opportunity, as long as it is addressed properly.

For instance, you might not agree with something your client is doing, or may wish your client was more timely in providing you with the accounting information. Whatever the reason for your concern here are five strategies for effectively getting your views heard:

1. Wait until the timing is right. Common sense will help you determine the best time to express a concern. Don’t bring a problem to your client when either of you is tired, angry, rushed, or preoccupied.

2. Keep it private. Take your concern directly to your client. Do not discuss it with others, particularly employees of the client’s company. Complaining to others may get you sympathy, but it won’t provide a solution and can make the situation worse if your client hears about the issue through the grapevine instead of from you.

3. Get right to the point. Address your concerns directly, without long lead-ins, apologies, or excuses.

4. Voice your opinions constructively. Outline the issues and offer solutions. Your client may not realize the problem exists unless you point it out.

5. Agree to disagree. Point out to your client that it’s important for you to be able to take your concerns to him or her, even when you may have a difference of opinion. Let him or her know that you respect their position as owner or manager of the company.

Taking the time to tell your client you don’t agree with a policy, procedure, or decision tells your client that you care about his or her company. And sharing your concerns with a solution in mind will stand you in good stead.

The Day-to-Day Operations section of this site gives other great tips to keep your business running smoothly.Click HERE to learn more ways to increase the productivity of your Accounting and Bookkeeping business.

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