Keeping Your Cool in Difficult Situations (Part Two of a Two-Part Series)


10 Tips on Gaining Control of Your Emotions

Keep Your Cool“A man who is master of himself can end a sorrow as easily as he can invent a pleasure.  I don’t want to be at the mercy of my emotions.  I want to use them, to enjoy them, and to dominate them.” – Oscar Wilde

The truth is, if we don’t learn how to control our emotions they will eventually control us.  As business owners it’s important that we don’t let our feelings dominate our professional lives; nothing may be more detrimental to our success in difficult economic times.  In attempts to help us all better manage our emotions, last week we shared the following five valuable tips:

1.    Count to ten

2.    Take a deep breath

3.    Distance yourself

4.    Take a break

5.    Listen

In this second installment we will cover five more that will help you keep cool in difficult situations.

6. Determine the key trigger

It’s important to trace your emotion to its specific trigger.  You may think you’re upset over one thing only to discover that its cause is more personal than professional, more fleeting than flattening.  Only when you determine what’s truly causing the emotion can you take steps to alleviate it and address the core issue.

7. Stop focusing on the negative

When you’re upset, frustrated or angry it can be difficult not to stew about it.  Unfortunately stewing doesn’t make the situation any better; in fact, it can have the opposite effect, intensifying the problem until it becomes unmanageable.  What do we suggest?  “If you chance to meet a frown, do not let it stay.  Quickly turn it upside down and smile that frown away.”  Trite as it may sound, turning those negative emotions into positive ones can begin with a simple smile.  You may not feel like it at first, but this is one situation where you should definitely attempt to fake it ‘til you make it.  Turn those negative thoughts into positive ones and you might be surprised at how quickly the positive emotions will follow.

8. Vent

Sometimes it helps to let it all out.  While we don’t recommend venting to others in the office, you can share your frustrations with family or friends who can provide you with an objective perspective.  Sometimes expressing your feelings can be the first step in processing them and resolving the issue that triggered them in the first place.

9. Walk around the block

Talking a walk around the building or the block can accomplish a lot with one simple effort.  You’re able to distance yourself from the immediate situation while talking a breather.  The exercise will also release endorphins that will make you feel better sooner.  It may give you the energy and the wherewithal to tackle the problem upon your return.

10. Listen to soothing music

There’s no question that music can impact mood.  If you were to listen to a loud, pulsing beat when you’re angry, it will likely intensify your anger and worsen the situation.  However, if you listen to soothing music, it will take the edge off your emotions and give you the capacity to address problems in a more rational manner.

These tough economic times can put everyone on edge.  To better manage your emotions, it’s important that you take key steps to keep your cool.  Another suggestion we have for dealing with the recession is to learn key strategies that can help businesses, your own and your clients’, go from red to black in a short amount of time.  In fact, you may find that much of your business will come in the form of helping other small businesses regain their footing in the deepening recession.

Red to Black in 30 Days

You can use key accounting information to help turn a business around, becoming a valuable Profit Expert.  When you order Red to Black in 30 Days, you will have access to all the tools necessary to function as a Profit Expert and learn the Universal Project Management Model that will enable you to save failing businesses.   This book is a guideline for accountants and consultants who work with these disheartened small business owners.

Each chapter focuses on a crucial aspect of the turnaround process. Simple steps are outlined from initial contact through stabilization and profitable growth. This can be the guide through your first turnaround experience or it can enhance the accounting and management skills of even the seasoned accountant.  This is your opportunity to take the recession and make lemonade.  You may find that in offering turnaround services your business (and those of your clients) will be the few that thrive in these difficult financial times. For the cost of this one book you can enhance your value to current and prospective clients.  Order your copy now.

Table of Contents

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