Universal Accounting School

Local Colleges and Universities as Stellar Resources - Universal Accounting School
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Local Colleges and Universities as Stellar Resources


You’d be amazed at how many resources are readily available to entrepreneurs like you, regardless of your goals or location.  Perhaps you haven’t considered how local colleges and universities might benefit your business, helping your improve productivity and profitability.  SCORE, or Counselors to America’s Small Business, is a nonprofit organization providing education to entrepreneurs on the formation and successful growth of small business.  On their website, they offer countless tips on effectively managing one’s company, and in this article we refer to their recommendations in using colleges and universities to build your business:

1. Volunteer your company to be a business school case study.

It’s possible that departments and students themselves are looking for research projects, and your business could become a valuable subject.  You’ll learn much about your company in the process and get good ideas for the future, and for free!

2. Obtain management and technical assistance from one of more than 50 Small Business Development Centers (SBDC).

Services at SBDC locations include the assistance of small business in financial, marketing, production, organization, engineering and technical problems, feasibility studies and more.  Check the US Small Business Administration website at www.sba.gov for locations.

3. Participate in special programs.

Many colleges and universities sponsor venture capital forums, entrepreneurship centers and family-business programs.  Networking with university faculty and staff would enable you to remain informed of such opportunities.

4. Work with the business school to offer internships to graduate students.

What a great opportunity to help a graduate student learn and grow in a real business environment.  And having an educated employee on your staff makes this suggestion a win/win.

5.  Find out what expertise is on a business school’s staff

Most faculty welcome opportunities to work with entrepreneurs; it provides them with the valuable opportunity to study a live case.  Again, in doing a little networking on campus, you may find just the right person to hire as a consultant or serve on your board.

It’s important that you look to valuable resources like local colleges and universities in launching and/or improving your accounting practice.  Another valuable resource that does not hinge on your current location is Universal Accounting Center.  UAC’s Professional Bookkeeper Program (PB) will train you in the practical application of small-business accounting while enabling you to earn a professional designation, demonstrating your expertise and true professionalism.  Not only that, but the PB Program will also train you to market your practice, eliminating the competition because of the unique and valuable services you offer clients.  Call UAC at 1-877-833-7909 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-877-833-7909 end_of_the_skype_highlighting today to see how the PB program can enhance your business.


–.  “5 Tips for Using Colleges and Universities to Help Your Business.” SCORE.org

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