Ringo sang the song. But John Lennon and Paul McCartney wrote this Marketing Masterpiece. Why do I call it a marketing masterpiece? Simple… Ringo sang about networking. In the world of marketing, networking is more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound… it’s your Man-of-Steel. From finding a job to building your client list, networking… works.
The Real Truth About Networking
It isn’t new, and it’s not what you think. In the past, networking was informal and random. Today, networking has become systematic and structured. You don’t have to be a skilled negotiator or speaker to network, and I’d like to share with you some successful techniques that will help you improve your network and networking abilities.
We are All Surrounded by a Potentially Powerful Network
The next time you’re in a room with 12 of your closest friends, make a list of all the different people you all collectively know. You might be surprised at what names turn up. Peter Vogt, a MonsterTRAK Career Coach says, “You’ll be amazed at who the people in your everyday life know – and by the additional people those people know. But you’ll never discover any of them until you abandon the ‘I don’t know anyone good’ mentality and replace it with the ‘I’ll start with the people around me and go from there’ philosophy…” I’ve watched my oldest son “network” for years. He started his network as a boy. It provided him with employment, a college scholarship, and opportunities to see and do things that I haven’t done. With an average speaking ability, in his own charming way, he builds his “network” every time he meets somebody new. Of course, you know you’re being networked, but it’s okay. If you become a part of his network, you can expect that he will be a part of yours. This mutually beneficial network of his works both ways. In fact, I’ve even found myself a part of it from time to time.
How Do I Start an effective network?
Use a formal and systematic approach to working your network. Organization and a plan for keeping track of your network and information are critical. Don’t forget, networking is about relationships. A good networking relationship will be mutually beneficial. The following link to a Microsoft Word document might help you organize your networking contacts and your communications with them. Remember, you can use any format to keep track of this information; you don’t have to use my form. Networking Contact Organization Sheet
“The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with the First Step”Lao Tsu
It all starts with a little action. The first step. Allen Bostrom, President of Universal Accounting and Networking Guru to hundreds of graduates says, “Your own network is the final outcome of all your networking activities and… forms a vital part of your total marketing effort. With this in mind, it is something that should always be [foremost in our thoughts].”Universal Accounting offers the finest curriculum on not only how to start a profitable and rewarding business as a professional tax preparer and bookkeeper, but also offers training on how to best market your business to amplify your profits. With just another couple clicks of the mouse, you can find out just how profitable a career in professional tax preparation and bookkeeping can be for you. I Want to Take the First Step. Show Me More About Starting My Own Professional Tax Preparation Business