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Overcoming Common Entrepreneur Fears - Universal Accounting School
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Overcoming Common Entrepreneur Fears


 Business Woman Series 19“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.  The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” – Nelson Mandela

Launching your own practice can be scary.  And while many entrepreneurs may appear fearless, the truth is, they’ve managed to succeed in spite of any fears they had.  If you want to launch your own business, you’ll have to do the same.

In a recent Entrepreneur.com article, author and entrepreneur Jayson Demers shares “5 Fears You’ll Need to Conquer before Starting a Business.”  Here we share 3 of the most common:

1. Not being good enough.  Some worry that their services won’t be competitive enough or their personal nature won’t be as assertive or ambitious or willful or persuasive as necessary.  These concerns are common.  However, they are a not predictor of future failure.  As Demers explains, “Your product doesn’t have to be perfect when it first launches, and it doesn’t have to be the best.  It just has to be acceptable.  From there, you’ll have plenty of room to make improvements over time.  No product ever starts out perfect – some of the greatest businesses in the world probably started with a product of a similar quality to yours.”

2. Failing. This is Daddy of all fears, isn’t it?  We’re afraid we will fail.  And if we’re good at imagining worst-case scenarios, we have probably constructed—in our minds—the way this business could go down with the biggest bang.  First of all, failure is unavoidable.  But fear of failure is completely avoidable.  Change your thought paradigm so that failure is defined simply as a learning opportunity.  As long as you’re willing to learn, and improve as a result of what you learn, you can only get better at your business regardless of the obstacles you’ll most certainly encounter.

3. The unknown.  This one is scary because it’s impossible to prepare for.  Your business plan can anticipate problems, but it can’t foresee all those unknown variables, obstacles, and setbacks.  But Demers states, “Entrepreneurship isn’t a job.  It becomes a lifestyle.  You’re choosing to be in this role because you’re a risk-taker, you’re passionate, you work hard and you believe in your idea.”  If necessary, take the time to express your passion for this practice so that when things get a little dicey, you can remind yourself of the force that propeled you to launch your business in the first place.

Become a QuickBooks Consultant

One way to ensure your practice’s success is by enhancing your service offerings by becoming a QuickBooks Specialist, adding QuickBooks help, consulting and set-up services to your menu.  It’s a great marketing tool that will bring your part-time business closer to being full-time ready.

In addition to the skills you acquire in completing the Professional Bookkeeper’s Guide to QuickBooks (PBG), you will also receive the following:

  • Thorough and complete training on the latest and greatest version of QuickBooks Pro
  • 6 months’ worth of access to our experienced, qualified QuickBooks professional accountants and CPAs to answer your questions
  • Accounting 101 Review
  • 30 hours of Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits in most states
  • A 100% money-back guarantee
  • A valuable addition to your reference library 

The PBG offers the most competitive QuickBooks training on the market.  Master QuickBooks and add QuickBooks consulting services to your menu. Call Universal at 1-877-833-7908 to enroll in this valuable training program now!


Demers, Jayson. “5 Fears You’ll Need to Conquer before Starting a Business.” 1 December 2014  Entrepreneur.com

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