Have You Lost That Fire?
Staying Motivated after Achieving Success
People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily. – Zig ZiglarPeople who are unable to motivate themselves must be content with mediocrity, no matter how impressive their other talents. – Andrew CarnegieBe miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice. – Wayne Dyer
Remember the days when the thought of owning and operating your own business was exciting and new? Now that you’ve actually accomplished that goal and have enjoyed a certain measure of success, you may find yourself feeling less and less inspired as the days go on. Whether you call it job burnout or just plain boredom you need to address this issue before it gets out of hand. There are ways to regain your motivation and feel excited about your business, and once again look forward to working for yourself everyday. Here are five ways to reignite that fire:
1. Don’t wait for inspiration to find youMotivational speaker Jim Rohn said, “The best motivating is self-motivating. The guy says, ‘I wish someone would come by and turn me on.’ What if they don’t show up? You’ve got to have a better plan for your life.”It’s important that you find your inspiration. What gets you excited? It’s good to look for books and tapes that could help you maintain a certain level of motivation. And remember that quote about bathing? You need to dedicate time for self-motivation every day. Even if it’s simply looking for quotes like the ones above; be proactive and find your motivation.2. Set goalsYou may be feeling a little disinterested because you’ve already achieved a fairly large goal: you’ve opened your own accounting practice. But what next? If you don’t set new and challenging goals you’ll find yourself losing steam and then finally the drive to do your best. Remember the question above: What excites you? If it’s no longer owning and operating your own accounting practice consider growing your accounting practice so that you become a premier firm with 20 or so employees. Or maybe you’d like to expand your business by offering more services like financial consulting or tax preparation and planning. Or perhaps you’d like to make enough money so that you enjoy a more flexible work schedule and spend more time with your family. Think long and hard about which goals you can be passionate about.3. Enjoy yourselfYou may not be feeling motivated because you’ve worked yourself too hard; perhaps you’re experiencing burnout. If you don’t take the time to enjoy the fruits of your labors, you’re on a fast track to MediocreVille. Planning for a big payoff, like a dream vacation, a new home, a flat-screen TV or whatever gets you excited, may be what it takes to motivate you in a more balanced way.4. NetworkWorking all by your lonesome can get old after awhile. Allowing yourself to get out and rub shoulders with other financial professionals can not only help motivate you but improve your business. As you talk with others you’ll find that you get new ideas on how to better manage your business, attract clients, and problem-solve. It will also be refreshing to enjoy the socialization networking provides.5. Ride the waveOnce you begin to feel that motivation again, ride the wave. That excitement for your work can ebb and flow, so when you feel a swell, jump on and ride it through. You’ll find you’ll accomplish a lot more in less time.
Master Coaching
Don’t panic just because you’ve lost your motivation; you can easily find it if you take a few simple steps. You may be surprised just how soon you feel that flood of excitement wash over you again. And if still need some help, Universal Accounting Center offers a special service designed to help you set and achieve motivational goals. Our Master Coaching includes 12 weekly coaching sessions with a dedicated coach to set goals, make assignments and hold you accountable for implementing the program. After the initial 12 weekly sessions, the coach will conduct nine follow-up monthly sessions. Imagine having your own personal small business coach to help you accomplish your goals and motivate you when you may not be able to motivate yourself. To learn more about Master Coaching visit the Universal Accounting Center website. For information on ordering this service, click here.