In Stephen Covey’s well-known and oft-quoted book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the last and final habit is known as “sharpening the saw.” Covey explains that this habit “means having a balanced program for self-renewal in the four areas of your life: physical, social/emotional, mental, and spiritual.” If you’re like many professionals, the idea of taking a time-out to rejuvenate yourself may seem a little self-indulgent. Aren’t you too busy sawing, for heaven’s sake? Unfortunately, too much sawing and not enough sharpening makes your work less effective and eventually, inadequate. Consider creating your own program for self-renewal using the following suggestions:
Physical. Neglecting your health will come back to haunt your business at some point or another, either in sick time, lack of focus, or compromised workflow. And while we’re not suggesting you train for a triathlon, we are saying that taking better care of yourself will only benefit your business in the long run. Getting plenty of sleep, water, and exercise, while enjoying a healthy diet, will provide the perfect foundation for a balanced life.
Social/Emotional. What’s life about if not making meaningful connections with the people around you? Whether it be friends, family, or neighbors, take the time to associate with those you care for. In fact, to demonstrate your commitment to balancing all aspects of your life, use the same calendar for both personal and business activities.
Spiritual. Covey suggests that honoring the spiritual element of your life might require “spending time in nature, expanding spiritual self through meditation, music, art, prayer or service.” In addition, Walter Bagehot claims, “No great work has ever been produced except after a long interval of still and musing meditation.” To many, meditation is a mystical, new-age activity for which they have no time, and those who practice it claim to be more adept at concentrating, critical thinking and problem solving—all of which are important skills for the business owner.
Mental. Regardless of your profession, it’s important that you continually challenge yourself mentally. Learning new things and keeping up on industry advancements enables you to keep the saw sharp while improving your practice. To do that, we suggest regularly honing your skills by investing in training that will improve your financial expertise.
Expand and Refine Your Financial Skills
Most of your competitors don’t offer specialized small-business accounting services. But after completing the Professional Bookkeeper (PB) program, you can! Consider a training program that is catered to your needs and busy schedule—one that will enable you to earn a professional designation after just 60 hours of your valuable time.
When you enroll in the Professional Bookkeeper Program you receive to the following:
- Flexible training you complete on your own schedule
- Rich and engaging training DVDs you can view again and again
- Hands-on instruction and practice sets through which you gain much-needed experience
- Training in building and marketing your new practice
- 6 months of valuable follow-up support
- The opportunity to earn professional certification
- Our iron-clad risk-free guarantee
Expand your service offerings by enrolling in UAC’s valuable Professional Bookkeeper Program. Call 1-877-833-7908 to enroll today!
“The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw.”