Meet President and CEO, Allen Bostrom
Last summer, Universal Accounting Center updated their website and added a video tour to better introduce visitors to the UAC mission and to key Universal players. At the beginning of the video you’ll find Allen Bostrom, President and CEO of Universal Accounting Center.
Allen, Son of UAC Founder, Alf Bostrom
Allen is the son of Alf Bostrom, founder of UAC. In the 1960’s, Alf decided to venture into business for himself, and he started a management company. For a percentage of potential future profits, he managed failing businesses, many on the brink of bankruptcy, and promised to turn them around using his own capital and lines of credit. Alf managed 22 businesses in the course of his career, 8 together at one time. He became known as “The Turn-around King” and learned a thing or two about why small businesses fail and what they can do to succeed.Alf learned how to make any business successful by adhering to basic principles in production, marketing, and accounting. He also learned that most individuals with accounting degrees lacked the proper training to do the accounting for the small business. Accounting professionals also didn’t seem to know how to market themselves. So to fill the gap, Alf created and wrote a small business accounting program. He opened his doors in 1979. UAC was formed to teach CPA’s, accountants, and business owners the proper method of small business accounting.In 1992, Allen (a practicing CPA) and his brother Ken, joined the company and helped UAC to become an international institution with campuses located across the nation and a large online presence with multiple websites.
Allen, President and CEO of Universal Accounting Center
Allen is the first to tell you that he owes much of his business sense to his father, Alf. As a young man, Allen often accompanied his father to work where he observed powerful management principles in play. “These principles are even more important today than they were thirty-five years ago due to increased competitive pressures,” says Allen.Allen himself has over 30 years experience working with businesses of all sizes and has taught over 25,000 people different aspects of accounting and business management. He has authored countless business management articles for publication and distribution. His weekly e-zine boasts a circulation of nearly 15,000 readers. And his blog offers his personal insight on accounting and other business issues. Additionally, he has developed coursework that is used in Universal campuses across the country.He has refined and added to his early training that is contained in his latest release, In the Black: Nine Principles to Make Your Business More Profitable. It’s a quick read that can dramatically change the way a business owner looks at his or her business.Allen is a much sought-after speaker and presenter promoting the importance of using accounting information in business decision-making. He has taught and practiced the Nine Principles in many industries, in all economic conditions.Allen lives in Sandy, Utah, with his wife Sheri and their four children.
Allen’s Introduction to the UAC Video Tour
Allen himself introduces the video tour, explaining what Universal has to offer accountants, tax preparers, and small business owners.
Welcome to Universal
Hi. My name is Allen Bostrom, CPA and past President of Universal Accounting Center.Welcome to the Universal tour. Since 1979 we have focused on the practical day-to-day application of the accounting process within small business.We recognize that in the business world profit margins are too tight to let the bookkeeping, accounting and tax be ignored. In the next few minutes you’ll learn about the performance tools and curriculum Universal created to help businesses reduce taxes, increase profits, and put more money in the bank.During this presentation you will be invited to access additional information about the great opportunities Universal offers. Below you will see different icons that will be mentioned during the tour; if there are any you would like to learn more about, click on them at any time.Each of the icons below will transfer you to a new page providing more information on the corresponding topic. If you wish to return to the tour, just exit that screen and you’ll be brought right back to where you left off.Now, to learn more about Universal, click Continue.
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