Session #1 – Your Structured Business Coaching
- Review questions from initial session email
- UPDATE in the database the DEMOGRAPHICS Tab
- Business Name
- Establish goals
- Where do they see their business in 6 months, 12 months 2-5 years
- What are their expectations of the coaching process?
- Do they have the copy of business license
- Do they have copies of business cards
- Complete Demographics in the database
- Introduction of your role as their coach to get results
- Importance of open honest communication
- Introduce them to the “Score Card”
- No reason to be offended. Sometimes our methods are bold and may come across as abrupt.
- Importance of keeping scheduled weekly appointments. Cancellation needs to be with a 24 hour notice
- What has been holding them back?
- What makes them different from other bookkeepers/accountants/CPA’s? Start to help them realize their worth as a profit and growth expert.
- Assignment to speak with 5 family members or friends and ask 5 questions about them. Bring those answers back and let’s discuss next week.
- Read “The Greatest Salesman in the World”
- Begin writing 30 sec commercial
- Create a “Friends and Family” list
- Speak to Cole about setting up their website and getting their contact info
Set appointment for session 2
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