Hear Adam Syvock’s story as he shares his journey to start and build a successful accounting firm. Infinity Accounting started as a supplemental income as he worked with clients on weeknights and weekends until he was ready to jump in with both feet and do it full-time. Today Adam has a thriving accounting firm and coaches others to do the same with Universal Accounting Center (UAC). Those UAC students enrolled in the Professional Bookkeeper (PB) and the Professional Bookkeepers Guide to QuickBooks (QS) programs work with Adam has he tutors, and coaches them.
As part of the discussion we’ll also share our thoughts regarding the differences between hourly billing, fixed pricing, and value pricing, and when it makes sense to use one pricing strategy over another.
Take a moment and hear what you can do to make this year your best as an accounting professional. To start, request your FREE copy of “in the BLACK – nine principles to make your business profitable” and see what you can do to start and build your own successful accounting firm.
Infinity Accounting LLC: www.infinityaccountingllc.com