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Is the Happy Professional an Endangered Species?


Is the Happy Professional an Endangered Species?


The other day I took my kids to the zoo, and my daughter spent the better part of an hour making up jokes about endangered species.  It got me thinking about the current economy and the toll it might be taking on the career oriented—is the happy professional an endangered species?

Perhaps you’re one of those professionals who have switched to survival mode as you struggle to make a living. But the truth is, no one wants to ‘survive’ their occupation—they want to thrive!  If you find yourself longing to become a happy professional, consider the following 5 tips:

1. Determine what’s making you unhappy

There are lots of reasons employees don’t enjoy their jobs.  Some don’t like the people they work with.  Others find themselves in a monotonous position that isn’t challenging or fulfilling, while others still may feel they’ve picked the wrong career track.  Before making any changes it’s important that you determine exactly what’s making you unhappy.

2. Determine what you enjoy

It’s important that you be passionate about your work.  It’s also important that you feel challenged.  When you’re not, you’ll find yourself unhappy and bored.  What impassions and challenges you?  In last week’s article we discussed how to answer that question.

3. Consider all your options

Don’t limit yourself by only considering the possibilities as they exist in your current position.  Perhaps you should change occupations, change employers, or start your own business.

4. Trust your intuition

It’s important that you listen to that inner voice that informs you when you’re headed in the right direction.  That may require you to ignore naysayers and follow your heart.  Your intuition will often be the best guide and provide you with the necessary confidence to move forward and take action in ways that enable you to achieve career satisfaction.

5. Make it happen

If you decide that changes must be made, you can’t wait around for the Universe to drop them into your lap.  You must take action to advance your career goals, whether that required you to receive additional training or expand your expertise and skills, you must be proactive in advancing your career.

The Universal Practice Builder (UPB) Program


If you would like to launch or grow a successful accounting practice, let us help!  While accountants may be comfortable crunching numbers, they generally are uncomfortable marketing their services.  Wouldn’t it be nice to learn a proven system for marketing your unique skillset?  The Universal Practice Builder Workshop is designed to train you how to promote your practice in order to experience significant growth and profitability.  Not to mention, it could turn you into a happy professional once again!

This program offers the following:

  • $30,000 in new annualized billings in only 12 months
  • Tactical goal planning and setting
  • The generation of 15 to 25 qualified leads per month
  • Phone marketing instruction and training
  • Training in the benefits of newsletters and websites
  • 12 proven marketing strategies
  • Financing options

Build a stellar practice by enrolling in this program today!  It’s time to put an end to endangered happy professionals.  Call 1-877-833-7909 today to make a positive change in your career!

Let us know what you would like to do (or have done) to find greater professional satisfaction.  Please leave you comments!

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