Outsourcing of Tax Returns Declines: Rise of Local Tax Preparers
Wanted -More Professional Tax Preparers.Over the last few years, many large accounting firms are sending tax returns overseas. They thought the cost savings of sending tax returns to chartered accountants in India and the ability to have returns prepared overnight there would make the outsourcing of tax returns a financial boon.
However, concerns over privacy and data security have made outsourcing less popular this year. Read on, and I’ll show you how this helps your tax preparation practice.
Legislation in California Makes it Harder to Outsource Tax Preparation
In California, if accounting firms have anyone other than an employee prepare a return, they must inform their clients in writing that their data is sent outside the firm. David Wyle, [An Outsourcer] SurePrep’s founder, quoted in an article found in the September 2005 issue of Accounting Technology Magazine, said:
“In California, anyone not an employee of your firm is considered an outsider. Soif you have per diem contractors work in your office during tax season, technically you need your clients written permission.” He goes on to say, “Between last tax season and this year, we lost over 130 customers. It’s not that they went to other outsourcers, they just stopped outsourcing.”
Business School Graduates are More Interested in Consulting, Mergers and Acquisitions than Accounting and Tax Preparation
Kishore Mirchandani, President and CEO of Outsource Partners International, [Another Outsourcer] says that enrollment is high in business schools, but students are more focused on economics and finance, not accounting. He says they are more interested in disciplines such as consulting and mergers and acquisitions.
This Trend Contributes to a Great Opportunity for a Professional Tax Preparer
At Universal Accounting we’ve learned over the years that universities weren’t providing the number of professionals needed to meet the tax preparation needs of both individuals and small businesses. That leaves the larger accounting firms with a limited amount of options. They can either outsource, and send your private and personal data overseas to a chartered accountant in India, or turn people away.
Neither of these options sounds that appealing to most people.
As quoted in Accounting Technology Magazine, CEO of Creative Solutions Jon Barons says, “I believe that outsourcing of tax returns is the wrong solution to the problem.”
The Right Education Will Allow You to Take Advantage of this Trend
Although professional tax preparation does require a specialized skill set, it doesn’t require a college education. In fact, according to Mr. Mirchandani, students at business school are more interested in other aspects of business and aren’t even interested in tax preparation or accounting.
At Universal Accounting, we understand that the needs of small businesses aren’t even seriously addressed in most colleges and universities. A need exists for small business specialists to help those businesses and individuals with both their tax and accounting needs. That’s why we’ve been teaching small business accounting since 1979.
With literally thousands of our graduates successfully providing tax preparation and accounting services to businesses all over the United States, I think it’s safe to say that Universal Accounting trains hundreds of small business experts every year. And if you are considering becoming a professional tax preparer or bookkeeper, Universal will help you become a small business expert yourself.
The Professional Tax Preparer Course is the “Perfect Education”
Click Here and Learn What Many Tax Professionals Consider the “Perfect Education”
At Universal Accounting Center, our commitment encludes providing our graduates with the most complete and comprehensive education in tax preparation anywhere. You won’t find a more complete curriculum for working with small business and individuals, period. And that includes the universities.
To further demonstrate our commitment to you and your education, we even offer a 100% money back guarantee. I am unaware of any guarantee from any college or university program.
Universal Accounting’s Ironclad 100% Money Back Guarantee
“If, after completing all of the learning activities, you do not feel that youhave received your money’s worth, simply return the materials toUniversal Accounting Center, for a complete refund. |
Purchase and complete the course, and if you don’t feel that you’ve received your money’s worth, you can return the materials and get a fair refund. All of us here at Universal Accounting are confident that you will find this training to be of value that we all stand behind it, 100%.
Become a Full Financial Services Provider
The Universal Accounting Financial Services program teaches you both Tax Preparation for individuals and businesses as well as how to service the Accounting and Bookkeeping needs of your clients. Combine the two services and greatly increase your profits and make marketing your service to businesses with varied needs much easier.