Stop Delaying Your Success with 5 Simple Tips
Nothing is so fatiguing as the eternal hanging on of an uncompleted task. – William James
Every duty which is bidden to wait returns with seven fresh duties at its back. – Charles Kingsley
There are a million ways to lose a work day, but not even a single way to get one back. – Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister
We’ve all procrastinated at one time or another. And while for some, procrastination may represent a brief lapse in productivity, others are plagued with chronic procrastination that threatens their livelihood and business. Wherever you may be on the spectrum, it’s important to recognize your tendency to procrastinate and respond promptly. The following five steps will help anyone, regardless of the severity of their procrastination problem:
1. Determine the holdup.
Whether you’re addicted to the adrenaline that comes from waiting until the last minute or you believe you work better under pressure or you’re lacking the experience and expertise to complete a particular task, you’ll be unable to resolve your procrastination issues until you know what’s causing them. And don’t fool yourself. There may be one reason you’re procrastinating Task #1 and a completely different reason you’re procrastinating Task #2. Take the time to determine exactly what’s holding your back.
2. Fake it ‘til you make it.
Sometimes there’s no way around a tiresome task than to get busy and do it, even when every part of you is resisting. Often, the only way to gain the momentum necessary to tackle these unpleasant tasks is by putting one foot in front of the other until it’s completed.
3. Tackle the most formidable tasks first.
The tasks you procrastinate are generally the most unpleasant. You’ll be doing yourself a huge favor if you tackle those tasks first. You know what they say: swallow a toad in the morning and you will encounter nothing more disgusting the rest of the day. When you complete these tasks first thing, you’ll find yourself recharged and ready to tackle the remainder of your day with ease.
4. Break bigger tasks into smaller, more manageable tasks.
Those overwhelming projects are best handled bit by bit. Break those large projects into smaller tasks that can be handled on a daily basis. Schedule these smaller tasks into your day so that you are able to better inch towards project completion.
5. When feasible, delegate or outsource.
You don’t have to do everything yourself, especially when it makes more sense to delegate the task to an employee or outsource it to someone who’s more qualified for the job. Whether it be remodeling your office or doing payroll, it’s important that you evaluate how much it will cost you (in time) to complete yourself versus having someone else do it for you.
Luckily, procrastination is curable. With a little self reflection and a few action steps you can move forward into greater productivity and profitability. These 5 steps should get you started.
Universal Accounting Conference
Would your business benefit with more of these helpful tips? Attend the annual Universal Accounting Conference. In 48 hours you can learn many things that will help you start, build and improve your bookkeeping, accounting or tax practice. Whether you call it Business Boot Camp or Profitability Training on Steroids, Universal Accounting’s two-day conference in Salt Lake City, Utah will help catapult your business to the next level. Session topics include the following:
- Getting Started with Office Technology
- Networking and Relationship Strategies
- Planning Practice Growth
- The Power of Presence: Your Ultimate Marketing Channel
- Becoming a Profit Expert with Business Benchmarking Reports
- Technology Strategies for the Growing Office
- Working through Resistance
- Phenomenal Women in Business
- Smart Staffing Strategies to Work Less and Make More
- How to Find and Create Expanded Service Opportunities
- Tax Practice Administration
- Introduction to Social Media
- How the Right Client Feedback will Perfect Your Practice
- Future of the Accounting/Financial Services Industry
- From Friend to Fortunate: Making Social Media Pay
Whether you run your own business full-time, manage a small practice on the side, or dream of starting your own bookkeeping service in the near future, this conference will give you the know-how to secure clients, increase your bottom line, and become the premier financial provider in your area.
Conferences have always been a powerful tool in advancing one’s career. Most professionals find it beneficial to attend at least one per year, if not more. Industry-specific conferences enable you to stay current in your field and attain that competitive advantage. UA’s Accounting Conference is specific to your small-business accounting needs, and each breakout session is designed to provide practical information you can apply immediately.
Universal Accounting has been helping accountants and bookkeepers start, expand, and improve their accounting practices for three decades. With Universal’s help, thousands of individuals have found greater freedom and profitability by starting and bettering their own accounting businesses. Don’t miss this opportunity to enhance your business in just 2-days’ time. But hurry! The conference takes place on September 20th-21st, less than two months away. Embark on your professional journey to success and register for the conference now!