9 Steps to Help You Choose Wisely
Once you make a decision, the universe conspires to make it happen. – Ralph Waldo EmersonNo trumpets sound when the important decisions of our life are made. Destiny is made known silently. – Agnes de Mille
There is one thing all successful business owners have in common; they make wise business decisions. How do they do it? We can guarantee they don’t make their choices willy-nilly. Many approach decisions strategically, following simple steps that enable them to make the best choices possible. Last week we discussed the first five of 9 steps in choosing wisely:
1. Define the decision2. Articulate your options3. Research your options4. Anticipate possible outcomes for all options5. Eliminate unlikely outcomes
This week we will wrap up this two-part series by discussing the final four steps:
6. Note most appealing options and potential outcomesYou have researched your options and anticipated all potential outcomes. Following that you should have taken a reality check and eliminated unlikely outcomes. Now it’s time to note those remaining options that appeal to you. Those are often the ones your subconscious recognizes as most doable for you and your business. Eliminate those options that are unappealing.7. Pick the option that’s a good match for you and your businessHopefully you’ve narrowed your list down to two or three possibilities. Now is the time for you to pick the one that’s a good match for your business. At this point you know all there is to know about your options and their potential outcomes. Often it takes a leap of faith to make your choice and move forward.8. Get started!Once you’ve made your decision you need to more forward and put your plan into action. The choice has been made and you’ll do yourself more harm than good if you second-guess your final choice. Take action with confidence and don’t look back. When you do so, you’ll be able to concentrate all your energy on making this choice work in your behalf.9. Evaluate your progressIt’s important to take the time to assess your progress and determine how your decision is panning out. Acknowledge any success and right any wrongs. Do all you can to ensure your plan is on track and determine whether or not you need to make any follow-up decisions. The more leeway you have when it comes to making wise business decisions, the more likely you’ll take the time necessary to make the best one.
These 9 steps will help you to make the best choices for your business. And while we haven’t included it in our list, it’s important that throughout the process you listen to your intuition. Often it’s that gut feeling that can propel you to success, but only when you learn how to trust it. Research your options and consider all potential outcomes; but most importantly, choose what feels most right for you and your unique business situation.