Motion shatters nervousness like a snake sheds its skin. – Scott TinelyNobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. – Eleanor Roosevelt
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to conclude that personal confidence and professional success are closely linked. If you lack confidence, chances are you’re having difficulty advancing your business in order to enjoy the success you’ve dreamed of. Luckily confidence can be increased with a little time and attention. The following five confidence-building tips are a good place to start:1. Practice positive self-talkWe can be our own worst enemies. The way we talk to ourselves often determines whether we feel confident or insecure. Listen to what you tell yourself throughout the day. Do you see yourself as a competent, accomplished individual, or are you constantly chastising yourself for what you perceive as mistakes and missteps? Self-talk becomes self-fulfilling prophecy. As Henry Ford once said, “Whether you think you can or can’t – you are right.”If you practice negative self-talk it’s time to change your monologue. Regardless of how awkward or uncomfortable it might feel, begin saying positive things about yourself. “I am successful. I have a lot to offer. My business is thriving and continually attracting more clients.” You’ll be surprised at how these positive affirmations boost your confidence immediately.2. ExcelThe better you are at what you do, the better you feel about yourself. Take action to improve your services, your knowledge, and your skills. Improving yourself in some way will always help you feel better about yourself and your business.3. Don’t waste timeWhile it’s important to unwind – watching a little TV, reading a good book, or meditating – wasting inordinate amounts of time will generally make you feel lazy, unmotivated, and yucky. The Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta once said, “To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.” A Spanish proverb says, “The busy man is troubled with but one devil; the idle man by a thousand.” Wasting time errodes your confidence.4. Do something that scares youDoing something that scares you is a great confidence booster. Whether it be hang-gliding, parasailing, repelling, or public speaking, confronting your fear will help you feel strong and accomplished. It will also give you the confidence necessary to do even bigger and better things.5. Note your accomplishmentsNot only should you note your accomplishments, you should celebrate them. And don’t be afraid to pat yourself on the back for small undertakings. The big and the small should be noted. That one new client will mean a lot in annualized billings. Your new website will go far in promoting your business. You have to change your perspective and amplify your successes. The more energy you direct towards the positive, the more positive experiences you’ll have. That’s the Law of Attraction in action. Whatever you focus your energy on will act as a signal to the Universe to send more of the same. So if you constantly focus on the positive, you’ll find that more and more positive experiences are being drawn into your life, like a magnet.Confidence radiates from you like heat. Clients will feel that confidence and become even more convinced of your expertise. And the more you nurture that confidence, the more self-assured you will be, and soon you’ll find that your business is a reflection of your new sense of self-worth.Come back next week when we will discuss five more confidence-boosting tips:
- Do something difficult
- Stop procrastinating
- Get in shape
- Take care of yourself
- Expect great things to happen