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Are You Experiencing Job Burnout – Part II


Are You Experiencing Job Burnout – Part II


Overcome Burnout by Reducing the Stressors That Cause It(Part Two of a Two-Part Series)

A business woman looks exhausted.Last week you took our quiz to determine whether or not you’re experiencing job burnout. We’re guessing you’re back because you are indeed burned out and are looking for ways to eliminate both the symptoms and their causes. We asked you to consider what’s been causing various symptoms, and we hope you took the time to determine which stressors are triggering the burnout. Here’s a breakdown of common stressors and ways to reduce them:

Working Too Hard, Too Long

Are some of your burnout symptoms caused by working long, hard hours? Not taking the time to relax and unwind can lead to job burnout rather quickly. You need to achieve a good balance between your business and your personal life. And we realize that many of you are working long after your day job has finished. Take the time to evaluate your work schedule and see how you can ensure that you’re getting enough sleep and time to yourself. This may require setting some practical boundaries. One way you can achieve that is by vowing to work only within designated office hours. For example, you might decide that you won’t work after 9 pm, and you don’t go to bed after 10 pm. Or perhaps it means you reserve your weekends for yourself and your family. Whatever you decide, ensure you reduce this stressor before it leads to greater physical and emotional problems.

Feeling Stressed and Frustrated

Perhaps your feelings have more to do with your day job than they do with your small business. Either way, you need to determine which is causing the stress and frustration. If your full-time job is leaving you overwhelmed and unsatisfied, it might be time to consider starting your own accounting and/or tax practice. If your stress is caused by too much work in your business, again, it might be time to consider moving your part-time business full-time. If you’re not ready to expand your business, you may consider releasing a client or two in order to reduce the workload and stress you may be feeling as a result. Or you can hire an employee to help you manage the workload in your part-time business. If your stress is associated with another aspect of your business, focus on resolving that problem. Deal with that difficult client, look for ways to better manage finances, organize your office, practice effective time management; the important thing is that you reduce or eliminate the actual stressors. Otherwise, the anxiety seeps into every other aspect of your business.

Perceiving a Lack of Reward or Satisfaction

Again you must determine whether or not this is something you associate with your day job or your small business. If you’re feeling unrewarded or unsatisfied with your business, you need to determine why. Perhaps you could set specific goals and then reward yourself when you achieve them. Having your own business is no fun if you don’t take the time to enjoy some of the fringe benefits. And waiting for your clients to praise your work is no way to live. Learn to appreciate that a client’s continued use of your services is rewarding enough.

Suffering from Physical Ailments

Chances are if you reduce the above stressors you’ll find yourself feeling much better physically. But you still should visit a doctor to ensure that your physical ailments aren’t caused by something completely unrelated to your job. You may be surprised to find that a simple prescription can eliminate this burnout symptom. The important thing is that you address the burnout as soon as possible. Unfortunately, if you continue to ignore the symptoms and the stressors that cause them, you may ultimately find that your health, and consequently, your business is at risk. Take the time to take care of yourself today!

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