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Get More Clients More Consistently

Get More Clients More ConsistentlySo, on a scale of one-to-ten, how good are you at accounting?  If you’ve got an established practice, with established clients, and years of experience, you probably answered 8,9 or 10.   And you’d probably not be bragging. After all, you came from an accounting background with education and training to succeed.

But on that same scale,  how would you rate your skill in marketing and sales.  You’d probably rate yourself much lower if you need more clients. After all, you came from an accounting background, not a sales or marketing background.

UPB Awesomeness ScaleWhat if you could be as powerful in selling and marketing your expertise, what difference would that make in your practice and your income?

The Universal Practice Builder (UPB) is specifically designed to make you as powerful in getting clients as you are in serving them.  You will learn proven marketing and sales strategies, techniques, and presentations to attract new prospects, convert them to new clients, and retain them as repeating clients and advocates of your business. As a Profit and Growth Expert, you work as a Profit First Professional (PFP) and a certified Value Builder (VB) provider. Working with business owners you will use specific processes and procedures to increase the profits and the value of the business.

Attract – learn 12 Basic Marketing Methods that start with relationships you already have and grow your network from there using relationship-leveraging conversations to build a constant flow of referrals. Learn how to build instant rapport, build interest, and set appointments with ease.  Learn how to build your contact network through networking groups and Chambers of Commerce.  Create Seminars that will showcase your expertise and present to many prospective clients at once.  Plus several other marketing strategies.  Use the ones that best fit your particular strengths!

Universal Practice Builder (UPB)

Convert – All clients in this industry come through a face-to-face meeting. Learn how to say the right things in the right way at the right time to build your unique value, agree on a scope of work, and sign your new client.

PTP-CoachingRetain – Learn how to continue to build your value with your clients to extend your client life cycle, and how to expand your service offerings to increase your income per client.

With our expert marketing support and coaching, you will always have sales and marketing experts as close as a phone call or email away to guide you as you become your own RAINMAKER!

As you get new clients and grow, you can use the Professional Bookkeeper Certification Course (PB) and the Professional Bookkeepers Guide to QuickBooks (QS) to build and train your staff.

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