To be most effective in running a business -any business-you should be a ‘goal-setter.’ Your goals are what will give you purpose, direction and energy.
A well-written goal is more likely to be achieved. Use the SMART approach for defining your goals. Goals must be…
S pecific. A goal stating, “I am going to have a successful bookkeeping service” is too vague. A more appropriate goal would be, “I will have ten clients and be billing $3,000 per month by December 31st.”
M easurable. Define the expected outcome. In the previous example, the goal will be met when when he or she has 10 clients.
A ttainable. Concentrate on practicalities. Even an otherwise well-written goal is useless if it cannot be achieved within the allotted time. If you’re only giving yourself a week to find ten clients, it is probably unattainable. Three to four months would be more like it.
R ealistic. Reaching for the stars is an exhilarating way to approach goal-setting. But once you’ve targeted your dream goal, it’s time to ask yourself, “How close can I come to achieving it? Do I need to rethink this and set some smaller, intermediate goals?”
T imed. Your ultimate goal can easily fade into the distant future unless you set a real deadline for achieving it. The same principle applies to all your goals. It’s much easier to accomplish a goal if you have a definite time for doing it.
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