Andy Aslen, UK copywriter, has created an acronym designed to help writers with their sales copy: KFC—Know, Feel, Commit. This process enables copyrighters to write text through which readers can effectively move from simply knowing about something to feeling strongly enough about it to make some type of commitment.Ian Brodie, in an article posted to his blog, suggests that this same acronym can help professionals both secure and retain clients. Once you educate them (‘know’) about your services and then help them feel the need for those services, you are more likely to secure a commitment. That’s why it’s important that you know exactly what type of commitment you’re looking for.
Commit. You must approach every meeting with a clear objective. What do you want to see happen as a result of talking with this individual? Do you simply want him/her to keep better records? Or do you want them to retain additional services? Perhaps this meeting is with a prospective client, and you want to be selected as their bookkeeper. Whatever it is, you must clearly understand your purpose in order to plan for an effective meeting.
Know. Once you define your objective, you can prepare for success. This requires sharing the necessary information with your current or prospective client. If you want this individual to select you as their bookkeeper, this information would include specific ways in which you could save them money while making their business more profitable. It might also include monthly fees and a list of services you would then provide. It’s important that you deliver this information in a clear and coherent manner; a jumbled and confusing delivery could threaten your success. In this case, practice what you plan to say on a family member or friend. They should be able to tell you, objectively, whether or not your delivery is both interesting and informative.
Feel. The truth is that regardless of how informative your pitch may be, unless your audience feels something, they will be unwilling to commit to your objective. This can be tricky and somewhat illusive as their need to feel various emotions changes, depending on the situation. For example, first they might need to appreciate the value of your services services before then needing to trust in your expertise and integrity. To recognize both your client’s needs and emotions, it’s important that you listen and watch as they share their thoughts and feelings.
The KFC approach, while simple, is also a fairly intuitive way to ensure that you secure more clients by generating a win-win delivery that appeals to their most basic wants and needs.The Professional Tax Preparer ProgramOne thing that will definitely enhance your appeal is the addition of complementary services to your offerings. Tax preparation is definitely a financial service that in great demand. Universal’s Professional Tax Preparer Program can help you master the skills necessary to become the premier tax preparer in your area.Many programs will lecture you on tax law and preparation practices, but Universal’s program is much more effective because it provides you with the hands-on practice that will perfect your skills. Theory is taught as guiding principles, but the focus is on actually doing taxes to gain proficiency.The PTP course consists of 20 hours of video training. Most tax preparation courses include books and some worksheets. Our training uses engaging and entertaining tax preparers who give practical advice on tax issues; they also provide real-world solutions that will give you the edge in productivity and profitability. Our instructors know what challenges you will face because they have been there themselves.Recently the IRS imposed strict regulations on paid tax preparers, opening the door to a narrower margin of individuals willing to fulfill requirements which include additional training and required testing. UAC’s Professional Tax Preparer program will enable you to become proficient in tax preparation while helping you meet new IRS regulations.Grow your clientele by adding new services to your menu. Call UAC at 1-877-833-7909 to enroll in the Professional Tax Preparer Program. Your future thanks you.ResourceBrodie, Ian. “How to Run Effective Client Meetings – The KFC Approach.” 9 July 2009
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