Universal Accounting Centered has partnered with Worldpay to bring our students the best in class credit card processing options to help generate revenue for your business. Worldpay works with accounting companies of all sizes to keep them accepting payments securely and quickly. As an Alumni and when you graduate from Universal Accounting Center, you also receive the advantage of having a merchant services account to process your credit card transactions at a discounted price.
“With many merchant services to choose from we believe helping our students find a service they can use with confidence allows them to focus on the more pressing tasks related to starting and building their accounting practice. With WorldPay they can process credit cards and get paid for the work they are doing” – Roger Knecht, President of Universal Accounting Center
– Read More about WorldPay history
Our graduates have the option of selecting one of the following offers with no monthly fees!
Accept payments without adding a POS (Point Of Sale) terminal. Simply turn your browser into accepting payments from any internet-enabled computer with your laptop or PC as an online payment terminal. Just type in the card information through the online portal and you are now accepting credit card payments. – The Virtual Terminal offering is valued at $120
Instant Accept with Quick Books
Simplified Bookkeeping. Accept payments that sync with QuickBooks. With the Instant Accept plug-in you can accept payments from any online, mobile or Worldpay supported point of sale device. Your transactions automatically sync with your QuickBooks software, eliminating the need to re-enter information.
Update QuickBooks at the time of transaction to manage customer information, payments and invoices from one simple platform. You can also invoice customers and accept payments through email- making accounting easier. Our plug-in meets PCI (Payment Card Industry) and AICPA (American Institute of Certified Public Accountants) compliance standards. – The Instant Accept with QuickBooks value is $427 value
Small business owner tells the story of how a data breach almost shut down his business and how WorldPay helped him get back on his feet. Since the breach, this merchant has taken steps to make sure his terminal is not hacked into again — such as becoming PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) compliant and switching to a secure WorldPay standalone terminal.
To take advantage of this offer as UAC students go here: UAC STUDENT ALUMNI form