Exchanging business cards is a critical component in networking but the primary reason many people don’t convert business cards into business is the fact that they never follow up. You must have an effective networking system to be a successful networker.These suggestions may help you:
Jot Down a Quick Note
Assuming you have aimed to have quality conversations at a function, rather than quantity, you may have returned to your office with a handful of business cards. Before you forget, write on the back of the card notes on the date you met the person, where you met and something personal that you remember about the person and is unique to that person. When you follow up, you can make mention of that unique point.
If you are sending cards as a follow up, take time to actually write a message on the card, rather than just a quick signature or your first name. Often the card is separated from the envelope and your effort will go unacknowledged if your handwriting is not familiar to the person.
Give Realistic Expectations
Don’t over promise and under deliver. When you are really busy, don’t promise to send something ‘tomorrow’. If you do have something of interest to the person you have just met, you might acknowledge that you are both very busy at this time and suggest you will forward it to them in the next week. You lose credibility when you indicate that you will do something within a particular time frame and, for a variety of reasons, are unable to achieve this.
Use an Action Plan
Develop your post event system, prior to going to the event. Two low cost ideas include – sending an article that would be relevant to the person’s business or alternatively you can access e-postcards on the web.
Leave a Lasting Positive Impression
These ideas represent a very quick way to acknowledge meeting the person and being remembered positively.
More Marketing Ideas
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