Stop Delaying Your Dreams: Start Your Own Accounting and Tax Practice
Goals are dreams with deadlines. —Diana Scharf Hunt
It’s too easy to delay your dreams. The kids need your attention, there’s a stack of bills to pay, and your day job is exhausting. Unfortunately, the only thing you accomplish in procrastinating your dreams is to postpone your own happiness and success. Have you considered that the difficulty you associate with accomplishing the dream of starting your own accounting and tax practice may be exaggerated? Rebecca finally decided she was going to quit her corporate job and open her own accounting practice. She wanted to focus on small business accounting and found Universal Accounting Center’s Professional Bookkeeper Program online.”As soon as I put in the tapes I felt enlightened,” Rebecca said. She went on to complete the course in April 2003. She explained, “March 2005 was a banner month for me — I recorded over $10,000 in billings. I never would have imagined doing that well and that soon. I was never compensated that well by a corporation.”Wouldn’t you enjoy the flexibility, with both your finances and your time, of running your own business and doing some of those things you’ve always wanted to do? Because we’re certain your answer is “yes,” Universal Accounting Center has put together a package deal for people like you who dream of starting their own accounting and tax practice.
The Complete Package — What You Get
Here’s everything you need to start your own full financial service. We could share course descriptions and countless testimonials, but we know you’re more interested in what you’ll be getting . . .
The Professional Bookkeeper Program
- The opportunity to expand your business and become a full financial service provider
- Practical training in small business accounting
- Instruction on starting your own accounting practice
- Helpful marketing tips designed specifically for the freelance accountant
- The possibility of earning a professional designation
- Flexibility in the study; you work at your own pace and in your own time
The Professional Tax Preparer Certification
- Complete video training in full 1040 and business returns
- Step-by-step instruction in starting a sole practitioner
- One year follow-up support from expert tax preparers
- Profitable fee calculations
- Training in comfortable client-interviewing techniques
- The possibility of earning a professional designation
- Flexibility in the study; you work at your own pace and in your own time
The Professional Bookkeeper’s Guide to Intuit’s QuickBooks Pro
- With full training in accounting software over 80% of small business owners use
- The opportunity to expand your business by adding QuickBooks setup and consultation services to your menu
- Tips on how to work less time and get more done
- Instruction on setting up a company’s accounting books and building an accounting system from scratch
- Free, unlimited email support
- Flexibility in the study; you work at your own pace and in your own time
Each time you expand your skill-set you expand your services. And when you expand your services you draw in more clients. By starting your own business as a full-financial service, you’re giving yourself the opportunity to truly succeed. Rebecca The is grateful that she didn’t delay her dreams. In fact, she went on to say, “I am finally living the life I envisioned for myself. With the increased earnings and flexibility of being my own boss, so far this year I have been able to take 2 trips to Maui. I have planned additional trips to Las Vegas, New England, and Singapore throughout the year. I have already booked a 50th wedding anniversary vacation with my parents to Maui next year on April 17. Universal Accounting gave me the practical skills to successfully reach my goals.”Wouldn’t you like to schedule your own life, much like UAC graduate Rebecca The? Stop delaying your happiness. Success could be one Universal package away. Order now and receive these three programs for one low price. Pencil in your dream today!