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Category: 2. Partnerships

Category: 2. Partnerships

UAC and AASBC Announce Joint Promotion Alliance

UAC and AASBC Announce Joint Promotion Alliance

The Association of Accredited Small Business Consultants® and Universal Accounting® Announce Joint Promotion Alliance. Austin, TX, - August 18, 2015. – The Association of Accredited Small Business Consultants® (AASBC) and

2 min 19 sec read
ICB Global & Universal in the USA

ICB Global & Universal in the USA

World’s Largest Bookkeeping Organization Launches in the US with the help of Universal Accounting Center SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH (June 30, 2015) – Universal Accounting Center (UAC), an accounting school

1 min 52 sec read
ICB USA Memberships for UAC Alumni

ICB USA Memberships for UAC Alumni

As students of Universal Accounting Center it is obvious you are serious about your career in accounting. Although each of us is unique with various goals professionally we see value

6 min 48 sec read
UAC & WorldPay

UAC & WorldPay

Universal Accounting Centered has partnered with Worldpay to bring our students the best in class credit card processing options to help generate revenue for your business. Worldpay works with accounting

2 min 25 sec read


Universal Accounting Partners with the Institute of Professional Bookkeepers™ of Canada provides relevant and affordable products that continually improve the bookkeeping industry in Canada. (IPBC) IPBC provides relevant and affordable

3 min 21 sec read
Bookkeeping Express & UAC

Bookkeeping Express & UAC

Together with Universal Accounting Center℠'s, UAC,  renowned educational programs, BookKeeping Express', BKE, enhanced training will focus on building a better bookkeeping business, marketing, business development, and providing a master coaching

1 min 35 sec read


Universal Accounting® has joined the Canadian Bookkeepers Association (CBA) as an associate member to make bookkeeping and accounting training more accessible to Canadian residents. Through the membership, CBA members will

33 sec read
Bookkeeping Associations for UAC alumni

Bookkeeping Associations for UAC alumni

As students of Universal Accounting Center, UAC, complete their studies and are certified in their areas of interest it is only natural to then have them join associations such as

4 min 16 sec read
Knowledge Bureau & Universal Work Together For Canadian Students

Knowledge Bureau & Universal Work Together For Canadian Students

When Universal Accounting felt that it was time to create tax preparation training for their Canadian students, they realized how complex tax preparation in Canada can be and determined that

38 sec read
UAC & The Andrew Argue Company

UAC & The Andrew Argue Company

Together with Universal Accounting Center, UAC, Sales and Marketing Trainer, Andrew Argue, has created an online training program focused on giving accountants the necessary marketing and growth tools to further

2 min 26 sec read
Profit First Professionals & UAC

Profit First Professionals & UAC

Ron Saharyan, co-founder and managing director of Profit First Professional is happy to announce this new opportunity for accounting professionals. We are thrilled to partner with Universal Accounting. The purpose

2 min 20 sec read
UAC Partners Up With CrushEmpire

UAC Partners Up With CrushEmpire

Universal Accounting Center is motivated to help our students become successful in achieving their goals, most of which is to become an Enrolled Agent after completing the Professional Tax Preparer

56 sec read

Our Certified Courses

Professional Bookkeeper | Universal Accounting School

Professional Bookkeeper Certification Course

Understanding the Professional Bookkeeper™ Designation for SMEs

Quick Books Specialist | Universal Accounting School

QuickBooks Specialist™ Certification

Mastering QuickBooks can help you enhance your standing with a current employer or enhance your practice by adding setup, consultation, and help services to your skills set.

Professional Tax Preparer

Professional Tax Preparer Certification Course

Professional Tax Preparer™ is Universal Accounting School’s unique program that affirms & validates the skills and abilities of an individual to perform tax preparation services for individuals & businesses.

PGE logo 2020

Become a Profit &
Growth Expert™

This proven system empowers you to confidently offer consultative accounting services as a value add to traditional bookkeeping (write-up) accounting and tax work.

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