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Start Your Own Accounting Business

Build Your Own Tax, Bookkeeping & Accounting PracticeGet the Skills to Build Your Own Successful Bookkeeping & Accounting Practice.

Accounting, bookkeeping & tax comes in at #1 on the Forbes Magazine list of “10 Most Profitable Businesses To Start” and work from home if you choose – we show you how. Over 80% of accounting opportunities can be found in small businesses. Universal Accounting®’s training programs specialize in small business accounting so you can take advantage of this valuable niche market. If you’re interested in being your own boss and starting a promising home-based accounting business, you’ve come to the right place.

  • Get the support and direction to get and keep more clients
  • Have the confidence and skills to charge more and get paid what you are worth
  • Follow a proven turnkey process to build the practice you want

Universal Accounting® provides not only the relevant industry skills to become a qualified bookkeeping and accounting professional, but also tested marketing models, promotional plans, and easy-to-follow guides to help you start and build your practice. Plus, receive up to 2-years marketing coaching and assistance.

CLICK HERE to get The TURNKEY business plan to Have the Premier Accounting Firm

“I have been bookkeeping for over 6 years and I have learned more over the past 4 weeks than I have in the past 6 years. I now understand what it is I have been doing. I am so excited about being an accountant now and not just a bookkeeper. I feel confident and well prepared to have my own accounting business. Thank you for opening new doors of opportunity.” —Nadine Malpas SEE Many of the Success Stories HERE

CLICK HERE to see how to best price your accounting services!

Convenient At-Home Learning

Universal Accounting® programs are delivered through informative online videos with easy-to-follow workbooks. You can review the tapes as much or as little as necessary in order to complete your assignments. You set the pace. The distance learning model allows you to organize your learning around things like kids, work and other responsibilities. UAC programs have been designed to allow you to get the skills, experience and support it takes to advance your career, without disrupting your life.

✓ Flexible training you complete on your own schedule

✓ Rich and engaging training videos you can view again and again

✓ Hands-on instruction and practice sets through which you gain much-needed experience

✓ Valuable follow-up support even after you complete your course

✓ The opportunity to earn professional certification

Is Starting Your Own Accounting, Bookkeeping and or Tax Business Right For You?

If you’re interested in learning more about how professional certification could help you start or grow your own bookkeeping and accounting business, and exploring whether Universal Accounting®’s at-home learning model is right for you, fill out the form on this page. A friendly and knowledgeable UAC Advisor would be happy to help you explore your options and uncover the right training solution and business plan to suit you. Plus, you’ll get our Free Video on How to Make More Money in the Accounting/Bookkeeping Profession:

✓ Discover why your own service can be so profitable

✓ Learn how easy it is to get your own service started

✓ Find out how to get clients quickly and grow your practice

Start Your Own Accounting and Bookkeeping Service – The Universal Experience Since 1979 Universal Accounting Center has helped thousands of individuals start and build their own successful accounting, bookkeeping, and tax practices. Whether this is something that you would like to do part-time with just a handful of clients or full-time as your primary income this is for you. By clicking the “play” button below you will learn the steps to starting today.  Begin with this video below and then click on the links to the right of the video starting with #2. To get started, click on the play button below.

This is more than accounting training. This is a comprehensive learning and ongoing support to help you build your own successful practice.  It’s time to SEIZE the moment!


Get Certified: Professional Bookkeeper Get Certified: Professional Bookkeeper™ Certification Get the full-charge accounting skills, industry-recognized certification and practical business management skills it takes to start and grow your own successful bookkeeping and accounting practice. Completion of the Professional Bookkeeper™ program is your first step to accelerating your Accounting and Bookkeeping career where you can also learn what you need to know in order to take on a few clients on the side for $400 per month each if you so desire. (Module 4 to the PB program – Building a Successful Accounting practice) Getting a promotion and a raise that goes with it could pay for the entire course in the first month or two.
The Profit & Growth Expert™ Certification – Confidently offer consultative accounting services as a value add to traditional bookkeeping (write-up) accounting and tax work.  Learn the step by step process to help your clients go from being in the “Red to Black in 30 days” and then as their trusted strategic advisor implement the nine principles to make their business profitable so that they can deliberately, intentionally be “in the BLACK”.
Professional Tax Preparer™ Certification Professional Tax Preparer™ Certification Professional Tax Preparer™ certification is ideal for individuals interested in providing trusted tax preparation for individuals and businesses.
