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Transformative Success Stories from Universal Accounting School Alumni

Profit & Growth ExpertFor years we’ve received numerous testimonials and kind words each uniquely sharing their story and the thanks they have for the training and support they’ve received to excel in the accounting careers to have the job, promotion, pay increase they hoped for as well as starting and building their premier accounting firm in their area while often becoming for their clients their Profit & Growth Expert.

Here we would like to share some of their stories as we HIGHLIGHT their journeys. From each we believe you’ll get both inspiration you need to move forward and accomplish your goals. (for your best solution we invite you to consider what your perfect solution is!)

UAC Highlight Stories

    1. Clay Glassford, From Ministering to Serving as an Accountant
    2. Mitul Mehta, From a Kid Who Loved Numbers To CPA
    3. Donna Parsons, A career worth pursing, and now she has a successful bookkeeping business
    4. Steve Chase, Who knew and now I have a successful accounting business
    5. Erin Engelbrecht, it’s time to give back
    6. Eric Johnson, From E.M.T. to Tax Professional
    7. Veronica Wasek, From a Dare to Running a Successful CPA Firm
    8. Bill Brough EA, Running a Successful Accounting & Tax firm
    9. Christeen Era, From Business Consultant & Accountant to Strategic Advisor
    10. Todd Manion, From CFO to offering CFO services & beyond
    11. Deena Kolb’s Turnkey Bookkeeping Business
    12. Tracey Jepsen’s Journey From Bookkeeper to Strategic Advisor
    13. Jennifer Bauldic was bitten by the accounting bug
    14. For Damon Yudichak, CPA Passion and Persistence Pays Off
    15. Mesheka Turner with bookkeeping she has a purpose, and yes it’s a calling
    16. For Troy Ballard, Helping Clients is the Greatest Reward
    17. For Russ Bradshaw, CPA he’s gone from one to many – building a successful accounting firm
    18. Vina Spickler takes the leap to have a successful accounting firm
    19. Melanie Macatangay Builds a Thriving Accounting Firm
    20. Scott Barhold, from employee to owning a successful accounting firm
    21. David Foth & His Third Career – a successful bookkeeping and tax firm
    22. Lisa Campbell – Creating an accounting & bookkeeping service that can thrive
    23. Rick Howard’s Advice to Build a Successful Accounting Business
    24. Adam Syvock’s Story Building a Successful Accounting Firm
    25. Billie Anne Grigg Accountant – Becoming a strategic consultant as a Profit First Professional
    26. Matt Roberge – Living the Dream as an accounting professional
    27. John Briggs – Becoming a successful accountant, a Profit First Professional

    We look forward to adding yours to the mix and to be clear there are MANY MANY more but now is the time to start your next chapter in your successful career as an accounting professional – let’s get you paid what you are worth!

    Review from John Forbes from OnFire Reviews & Content on Vimeo.

    Universal Accounting - John Zeiner SpotlightToday, John is a successful Universal Accounting (UA) graduate enjoying business ownership and truly excited to go to work every day. He is extremely passionate about using his knowledge and experience to benefit his clients. John’s coach and mentor at UA has helped him focus on marketing his skills throughout central Texas, and his list of tax and accounting clients grows weekly. No longer nervous, John is proud to carry the confidence and knowledge that he can match a client’s needs. – Graduate Spotlight: John Zeiner

    Review from Adam Syvock from OnFire Reviews & Content on Vimeo.

    Universal Accounting Spotlight- Melanie“Looking at it as a once-in-a-lifetime learning experience for her future business, Melanie enrolled in every course offered by Universal Accounting. She’s extremely grateful that she chose UA over other private schools because the coursework material far exceeded her expectations and zeroed in on the information she would need most as a business professional. Melanie found the material to be valuable well past any exams and into the long-run.”

    Melanie continues; “Since her graduation, Melanie was hired as a full-time staff accountant and is currently working on her own part-time accounting business. She’s now comfortable and confident with speaking to clients and answering all of their bookkeeping, accounting and tax questions.”

    Review from Pam Hafer from OnFire Reviews & Content on Vimeo.

    PIC 3This year, Jennifer has consistently added clients using many of the strategies and techniques taught by Universal Accounting.  “I’m currently projecting that I will end 2016 at least 3 times higher than the revenue stream that I had for 2015.”

    “This was an investment in my professional development that was well worth the cost, has proven to make a difference, and I believe that it will continue to pay off for years to come.  Thank you Universal Accounting!

    When Steve Eckman started his accounting practice he had much to be proud of. Quality services helping small businesses. After working with Universal Accounting Center the practice then took off and is thriving. It is more than just accounting, bookkeeping and tax, it is helping small business owners.

    After building a successful accounting practice Steve Eckman shares some thoughts about the journey and what has made the difference for him.

    When reflecting on the successful tax practice Bill Brough shares some of his insights.

    Listen to Bill Brough as he describes his Successful Tax Practice. Consider his likes and preferences as you start and build your practice.

    Become a Profit & Growth Expert
    Building Your Accounting Practice Not only must you offer quality accounting services at a fair price, you must also illustrate why you have the best people to outsource your clients accounting and bookkeeping needs. The best way to accomplish this is by distinguishing your qualified staff as the best in the area.

    Certifications and designations can represent the expertise of you and/or your staff in offering specialized accounting services. It also shows your firm’s commitment to being the best in the market.

    Often within the accounting community itself there is confusion between what is accounting, and what is bookkeeping. Forget the lay person and let’s have a candid discussion. What services should you offer?

    Some choose to refer to bookkeeping as write-up work, it’s bookkeeping.

    * Disclaimer, unfortunately there are some states where the terms accountant and accounting have been regulated such that regardless the services offered only CPA’s or degreed accountants can refer to themselves as such. This is no different than a doctor doing the work of a nurse and still referring to themselves as a doctor. If you are paid to be a nurse, and you do nursing, your a nurse.

    When working with small businesses there are specific accounting credentials and or designations that represent qualified accounting services.

    Professional Bookkeeper, PB
    * Proficient in the day-to-day accounting procedures in small business
    * Accounting, Bookkeeping, Write-up services

    QuickBooks Specialist, QS
    * Certified in the use of QuickBooks as a bookkeeper

    Professional Tax Preparer, PTP
    * Certified in the preparation of both individual and business returns

    Scott Ivins, Professional Bookkeeper

    Scott Ivins, PB

    Scott Ivins is a great example of one that worked in corporate America for a number of years before discovering how rewarding working for yourself can really be.

    Victoria Richardson, Professional Bookkeeper

    Victoria Richardson, PB

    Victoria started her business in January of 2004, and has seen incredibly rapid growth and profit ever since. She only spent the first 6 weeks marketing. Since then, she has had all the clients she can handle. In fact, she tells us that she has had to cut down to “only” 18 clients so that she has the quality time that she wants to spend with her children.

    Krista Farmer, Professional Bookkeeper

    Krista Farmer, PB

    Krista Farmer is an example of how the Professional Bookkeeper™ program gives even the most experienced accountants the real-world skills they need to turn accounting knowledge into a great income!

    Jon Schofield, Professional Bookkeeper

    Jon Schofield, PB

    Jon spent many years as a professional accountant. He worked for several years with larger companies, but sought a challenge working with smaller companies. He felt that his career was getting stale and lacked challenge.

    Jon Schofield has an especially interesting story. After working for years as a professional accountant for big companies and ultimately as a controller for a large corporation, he desired a change. More specially, he wanted to own and operate his own business.

    Regardless of his 16 years of experience as a professional accountant, Jon realized that he didn’t have the training or knowledge to serve the small business sector, and in order for his new business venture to work, he needed to be well-versed in small business accounting. That’s when Universal Accounting’s Professional Bookkeeper Program became very appealing. Far from a get-rich-quick scheme, the principles taught in the course gave him a step-by-step process for building a profitable business. It took some work to get there, but Jon now reaps the rewards of what he describes as “the best decision I made in my career”: starting a business with the Professional Bookkeeper Program.

    I sat down with Jon one day and asked him some questions. Here’s some insight into Jon’s success:

    Why did you take the Professional Bookkeeper Course?

    There were a number of things that Jon had become unfamiliar with in the course of his corporate career, and a number of small business accounting tasks that he didn’t even know how to do. To this he said “even though I had had a lot of experience it was not necessarily the type of experience I needed to be a small business accountant.”

    What were your goals?

    I approached it with the idea that it was certainly a good second job, and if things worked well I could make it go as a full-time career. I wanted to make it work, but in my mind I wasn’t sure if I could make it work.

    How has your life changed for the better since starting your own accounting practice?

    Jon enjoys the flexible work schedule that comes with owning your own business. He also appreciates determining the work he will and will not do. He says, “I now have enough work to pay my bills so that I can be more selective and take higher paying jobs.” Jon currently makes $45 to 50 dollars per hour.

    How Much Could You Make?

    Let’s do the math. We’ll assume the low end when offering just bookkeeping services, consider a graduate who earns approximately $300 a month per client (an average amount).

    20 clients X $300.00 = $6,000 per month. That’s $72,000 per year.

    You Don’t Need a Degree to Start Your Own Practice

    A bewildered university student once approached me. She had heard the most “off-the-wall” comment from one of my graduates. This student had told her that you didn’t have to have a university degree to start a bookkeeping service.

    That piqued her interest. She explained that she was a single mother that had working on an accounting degree at a local university for more than two years. Her whole purpose for getting the degree was so that she could do books for small businesses from her home. The cost of going to school wasn’t only financially draining, but the stress and time away from her kids was starting to negatively impact her parenting. Isn’t it interesting that she was getting the degree for her family, but getting there was damaging to the family.

    Furthermore, she was getting nervous. She explained that she was now a junior in the accounting program at the University, and realized that she didn’t have the foggiest idea how to set up, or maintain a set of books for a small business. And the further she went into college, the further she was getting from small business issues.

    I explained to her that anyone that understands accounting can do books for small businesses on a contract basis. Probably, all she would need was a business license, and for a few dollars she could pick that up. To say she got excited is an understatement!

    A few weeks later I got a letter from her, wherein she commented that she was well underway to reaching her dreams.

    We have received hundreds of phone calls, letters, and emails, from past graduates about the high quality of our articles, services, and teaching materials. Read on to see what our graduates have to say about us.

    Thousands of successful bookkeepers have proven that our system works! Be our next success story!


